14. Not just a fan anymore

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Sara was sitting alone. She was devastated. Tears were dripping from her face. She covered her face between her knees. Will turned the corner and saw her sitting there. He went down on his knees and lifted her face.

"What happened?" Will asked, worried.

"I was just leaving. And then Luke came, and he held my arms, and kissed me, and wouldn't let me leave." I sobbed.

"That fucking shit. Did he do something to you?" Will said angrily. I shook my head. "Where is he now?"

"I think he's still at the bar. Don't do something stupid, okay?" I sobbed.

"Do I look like the fighting type?" Will joked. I laughed a little and wiped away some tears. "I'm just going to tell him how you treat ladies like you," Will said and walking quickly to the bar. I followed behind because I wanted to make sure Will didn't get hurt. I stood outside the bar, but I could still hear them and see them.

"Hey. You. Luke. I'm only going to tell you this one time. No one. And I mean no one, touches her but me. Got that?" Will said angrily.

"What do you care? It's not like she's your girlfriend." Luke said.

"I care because I love her!" Will yelled. What? Does Will love me? It would have been nice to hear it to my face, and not behind a wall, but still. He loves me. Oh, God. What have I done? He loves me! I couldn't tell him now, and I sure as hell couldn't let Luke tell him either. I would be crushed myself if someone I loved kept this big secret from me. I entered the bar. Luke just sat there laughed. Fucking prick.

"Will, it's not worth it. Let's just go home." I said and grabbed Will's arm. And we were about to exit the bar when Luke yelled; "Big lad WillNE's getting a bit rowdy tonight isn't he? You know. I wouldn't trust that bitch. She's not who she says she is."

Luke yelled. Will hopefully ignored it, and we exited the bar. We walked in silence.

"What did he mean, when he said you're not who you say you are?" Will said, with a worried look.

"I don't know. He probably just wanted to say some shit about me, to make himself feel better, or make you think less of me." I said. Okay. Now I was just lying straight to his face. I'm a horrible person. But I couldn't tell him yet. Not after such a night.

"Did you mean what you said?" I asked.

"What part of it?" Will smiled.

"You know the part with loving me or something," I mumbled.

"Oh. You heard that." Will said. We stopped. Will tried cleaned some of my smudged mascara away from my face.

"It's weird. I haven't felt like this in a long time. I don't meet girls like you. So, yeah. I think I might love you." Will said.

"Is it bad if I think I love you too?" I said.

"I'd hoped you would." Will said.

"So, what do we do now? You love me. I love you. What do people usually do when this happens?" I joked.

"You want me to ask you?" Will said, and I nodded.
"I thought it was already implied. But alright. If you need a cheesy lovey-dovey moment." Will joked. He put his arms around my waist, looked me deep in the eyes.

"Sara, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Fuck yeah!" I yelled. I threw myself at him and embraces him. I looked up at him, and he leaned in and kissed me.

"Now that we're all boyfriend and girlfriend and all that. I have to ask you. Are you a virgin?" Will asked. I couldn't help but laugh.

"No. I'm not." I said. He looked disappointed.

"Then why do you reject me every time we get a little... You know.. Sexual." He said.

"Yeah. Uhm... I've had a lot of bad experiences in that area."

"What? You think I'm bad at it?"

"No! No. It's not like that. I've just been hurt. A lot. Guys sleep with me, and three days later they confess their love for another girl. And I don't want that to happen again." I said.

"Wow. What kind of pricks live in Denmark?" Will joked.

"I just think I've been unlucky." I said.

"I would never hurt you like that." Will said. I didn't know if I believed him. Sometimes people need to hurt other people to be happy, and they don't even realize what damage they bring on others.

"I really just want you to touch my penis." Will joked.

"Romantic, Will. Very romantic." We both laughed, and he kissed me. We walked home together. We decided to go to my flat to sleep. We laid in the bed and cuddled, but not long after, we fell asleep. It was the most peaceful sleep I've ever had. Will Lenney was my boyfriend. I was Will Lenney's girlfriend. I wanted to tell everyone. I wanted to scream of joy. Two months ago, Will didn't even know I existed. I was just another fangirl. But now, I was lying next to him. The guy I love. The guy who loves me.

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