20. Unspoken

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Will and Sara looked at each other in silence. Will looked at her with puzzlement. He didn't look angry, just very shocked and confused.

"How long?" Will said. I've never seen him so serious.

"What do you mean?"

"How long have you known?" Will said, raising his voice a bit. I didn't want to say it.

"Since 2016." I said. Will just stood there in shock. I didn't want to see it. But I could feel it. The hurt I had caused. He didn't say anything, he just walked away, and I was left by myself. But that's how I like it, right? Why else would I move to a foreign country, where I didn't know anyone? But then where did all these tears come from? Why didn't he just yell at me, and tell me how much of an idiot I am? It hurts much more, knowing that I have hurt him so much that he didn't even want to speak to me.


It's been 2 weeks, and I haven't spoken to Will at all. I haven't even seen him or George in the hallway, maybe because I spent most time inside my flat, crying, listening to sad music and bathing in my own self-loath. Days seemed longer and more depressing. I wanted to go home. What was there for me here? The only friends I've made hate me. And it's just hard to admire the British culture when you're this depressed. Sophie had tried to contact me a billion times, but I just had too much on my mind. But now, I really just needed to talk to someone, so I opened up my skype and called Sophie.

"Wow. You look like a mess. What happened? Why haven't you been answering my calls?" Sophie said.

"I'm sorry. I just didn't feel like talking to anyone. I told him." I said.


"Nothing. He just walked away, and I haven't seen or spoken to him in 2 weeks."

"I would give you a hug if I could. Don't you have anyone there, who can hug you for me?"

"Not really. I think everyone hates me."

"Come on. No one hates you."

"Oh really? My co-workers hate me because Luke has been spreading lies about me. Will and George hate, because of what I did."

"I don't think they hate you. Your co-workers are probably just confused and don't know who to believe, so they believe the one they've known the longest. Will doesn't hate you, he's probably just hurt, and George is probably just sticking up to his friend." I sighed.

"I just want to go home."

"Don't say that. You went there to experience London, not Will. Haven't your dream always been to live and work in London? Don't let a boy ruin that for you."

"It's not my own feelings I care about. It's his. He probably doesn't want to see me ever again, and I'm going to make sure of that. He doesn't need to be reminded of what I did, every time he walks out the door."

"I just wish you two could figure it all out. I've been watching more of his videos, and you're just perfect for each other. Maybe just give it another week or two, and maybe he wants to talk to you."

"I don't think it's going to work out like that."

"Well, you can't just sit there and hate yourself. Why don't you start working things out with your co-workers? Then you at least have someone there to talk to."

"I guess I could call Stephanie."

"That's the spirit! Do that and text me tomorrow, okay?"

"Okay. Thanks."

"Hey, I'm always here for you. You know that."

"I know. Love you, bye."

"Love you, bye."

Sophie was right. I couldn't sit here alone for the next 2 months. I texted Stephanie.

"Hey. Can I call you? I really want to talk to you."

My phone vibrated, not long after.


No smilies, no hearts, nothing. She was definitely not glad, but I called her up.

"What's up?" She said, sounding annoyed.

"I just wanted to say, whatever Luke has been saying is not true, at all. And I hope we can become friends again because I don't want to lose a friend like this."

"Tell me. What happened that night outside the bar?"

"Luke was just being a prick. He tried to get with me, and when I wouldn't let him, he got angry."

"He didn't hurt you, did he?" Stephanie suddenly sounded a bit more worried.


"I knew it! I knew Luke was lying! I knew you were not that type of girl!"

"What did he say?"

"He said that you had sex at the party, and then you wanted to get with him again, and he rejected you, so you had your guy yell at him."

"What a prick."

"I knoooow!"

"So.. Friends?"

"Friends. I'm glad you contacted me. I've been a little bit worried about you."

"Oh, you have? Well, that's nice, I guess. I'm okay, don't worry."

"Alright. Talk to you later."

"Yeah. Bye."

I hung up. Luke that little shit. But now that Stephanie knew the truth, I figured Brady would follow suit, and Luke could sit alone like the little mite he is. But I didn't make me feel better. I didn't care what anyone thought of me right now, I just cared about how Will felt about me. He was just a knock away, but it felt like he was much further away. He hadn't uploaded a video since my confession. Was he also neglecting his fans over me now? This didn't just affect me and him. It affected everyone.

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