13. Only you can protect me

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It was Friday. Sara and Will had arranged to meet at the party. Sara had given him the address and was waiting for him outside the house. She had arrived late, so people were getting ready to hit the city.

Where was he? Was he blowing me off? I knew we should have come here together. I could feel my phone vibrate. It was a text from Will.

"Hey. Sorry, I can't come tonight. Hope I didn't keep you waiting. Go have fun anyway. :D Miss you xx."

That bastard! I didn't even want to come tonight. I'm going home.

"Hey! Sara! Where are you going?" Luke ran over to me and Brady followed behind.

"I'm going home. I'm really tired." I said.

"Come on. You're not going home, because that stuck up guy isn't here?" Luke said.

"He's not stuck up. Who do you think you are?" I said offended.

"Okay. I'm sorry. But seriously. Just come for one drink." Luke said.

"Yeah, Sar. It's only Friday once a week. Don't you want to enjoy your time in London?" Brady said and had created a nickname for me that only he used. Sar. How ridiculous. But they were right, I did want to enjoy my time in London. Maybe just for one drink. I just don't want to be as drunk as last time.

"Okay. One drink." I said. And we all went to this pub. Luke, Stephanie and I sat down at a table.

"So, what is it with this guy? You know, the stuck-up kid." Luke said.

"I swear.. If you call him stuck up again, I will leave." I said angrily.

"Okay, okay. What was his name again?"


"What is going on between you and him?" Luke said.

"Nothing. We're just friends." I said. I knew we were not just friends, at least I didn't think so. But he wasn't my boyfriend. I didn't know what to call him.

"Look how she's blushing! You totally have a crush on him!" Stephanie said.

"No, she doesn't." Luke said.

"I can answer for myself, thank you. I don't know what it is between me and Will, but right now, we're just friends." I said. Brady came back with the beers. Not Carlsberg. Figures.

"You know he's a famous youtuber?" Luke said.

"Who is?" Brady said.

"Her neighbour." Luke said. I didn't want to answer, because I didn't want to lie again, but I didn't want someone like Luke to know my secret.

"My uncle once lived next to Jude Law," Brady said. Thank God. Get the attention away from me. "He said he was a proper schmuck. He once tried to greet him, as the friendly neighbour my uncle is, and he just plain ignored him. What a prick. And apparently, he never closes the drapes, because my uncle could see him banging models in there." Brady said and started humping the air, moaning and making this hilarious grimace. We all burst out laughing. This wasn't so bad. One beer. I could be here for one beer. As Brady was getting the next round I packed my things and was ready to head home. I said goodbye to everyone except Luke, who was in the bathroom. I didn't come far before Luke was running towards me.

"Come on. You can't leave now." He said.

"I'm really tired. But it was fun tonight, bye."

"You can't leave before you give me a small peck." Luke said and grabbed my arm.

"Not going to happen. Let go of me." I said and tried to remove his arm from my wrist. But he took my other arm held me up against the wall.

"Come on. I've seen the way you look at me." He said and kissed me on the cheek.

"Stop it! Let go of me! Help!" I screamed. He took both my arms in one hand, and started caressing my body with the other one.

"I know you want to fuck me." He whispered. I looked at him with disgust and spit in his face, and tried to wriggle my way out.

"You little bitch!" He yelled grabbed my arm, preventing me from leaving again. I screamed for help and tried to wiggle out of his grip. I then kicked him in the balls, and I got loose of his grip.

"You fucking bitch!" He yelled.

"You prick!" I said, leaving hastily from the alley.

"If you leave, I'll tell Will that you know who he is!" He yelled. I turned around.


"Come on. It's easy to see. I figured something was wrong when Will shook his head at me. And when you didn't answer my question at the bar, I knew it all. You know who he is, but he doesn't know that you know. That's fucked up, man."

"You stay the hell away from me. Don't go near me, don't contact me, don't even fucking look at me." I said and ran away. I could feel the tears pushing now. I turned a corner and slid down a brick wall, and let the tears flow over me. It was not because I was almost sexually assaulted. Well, maybe a little bit. But it was mostly because Luke knew my secret, and he was going to tell Will. He's probably said all kinds of shit about me to Brady and Stephanie. And when Will finds out, I'll have no one. I'll be all alone. I dialled Will's number and called him.

"Hello." Will said from the other end of the line.

"Will, could you come to get me?" I sobbed.

"Sara? What's wrong? What happened?"

"Just, please. Come to get me."

"Alright. I'll be there as soon as possible."

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