22. I fell in love with you

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Sara's head was a complete mess. She didn't know what to do after the event yesterday. She knew it would be best to stay away from Will because she didn't want to cause more trouble than she already had. Though she knew she couldn't, she just wanted to grab him and kiss him and make everything okay. She got out of bed eventually, it was Saturday, and she didn't have any plans, but to listen to sad music and eat a bucket of ice cream. But she decided she didn't want to make herself suffer anymore. She wanted to go out, just for a stroll or maybe just go around and shop. She didn't know, and that was okay. Because it is okay to be a bit spontaneous from time to time. But funny enough, the only time Sara was ever spontaneous was when she was depressed.

Okay. Got my bag and my jacket. Ready to go! I went out and looked at some shops, normally I would be embarrassed by going around town alone, but I had spent so much time alone that it didn't make any difference to me anymore. I found a really cute dress that you would wear to go out, so I bought it. Shopping always makes me feel better. It's probably the only girly thing about me. My phone started vibrating, it was a text from Stephanie.

"hey wanna go out 2nite? luke isnt comin wit us dont worry"

I didn't really know what to answer, because on one hand I really just needed to go out and get drunk, and forget about everything, but on the other hand, I just wanted to lay in my bed, watching game of thrones. I had a lot on my mind, and maybe this was the time to not run away from your problems.

"I really just need to relax tonight. I'll come with you next time."

I got some hot chocolate from Starbucks to go before I went home. I threw my bag on the sofa and started an episode of game of thrones. I finished my hot chocolate and felt completely restless. I then remembered I had some wine in the fridge, I poured myself a glass, and another, and another. I wasn't drunk, I just felt like dancing. I put my new dress on and some music, and just started being silly and danced around in my flat. I figured it was a waste of time to pour the wine into a glass, so I just drank from the bottle, and rocked out to Panic! At the disco. Then someone knocked at my door. I turned off the music and put down the bottle of wine, so it didn't look like I was drinking and dancing alone, which I obviously wasn't doing... I opened the door, and there was Will. He looked so sad, my heart broke a little. Neither of us really spoke, we just looked at each other. I wanted to throw myself at him and attack him with kisses and all my love.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked.

"Can we talk about this inside? Please?" I said, and my voice cracked a bit. We sat down on the sofa, and I poured a glass of wine to him and me. I knew he didn't ask for it, but it seemed like the time for a bit of wine.

"Are you going out?" He asked.

"No, I'm just sitting here drinking by myself."

"Are you being sarcastic?"

"No. Seriously, I'm that pathetic." Will laughed a bit at my attempt to lighten the mood.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"It's hard to explain. It's not like it was a choice for me at first. I just didn't bring it up, but then it was too late to tell you the truth without harming our relationship."

"But why did you feel the need to keep it a secret for me?"

"I thought..." I could feel my heart beating faster, and my eyes were tearing up. "I thought you wouldn't give me a second look if you knew." Will took my hand.

"I wouldn't have cared."

"Now that's a lie."

"No, it's not?" Will sounded a bit offended.

"So, you would never question whether I'm in love with you, or just infatuated with a youtuber?"

He paused for a second. "I'm guessing George told you I said that."

"No, I could hear you from my flat. You know, you're not particularly discreet, when you're that drunk." I laughed.

"Yeah, I think I did have one drink too many." Will laughed.

"I just want you to know. I liked WillNE, because I could relate to his videos, and because he is as sarcastic as I am, but I fell in love with Will Lenney.  You can't compare the two. And one of my worries was that you would think I loved you as a youtuber, and not as you."

"The thought had crossed my mind."

"See! You would never fall in love with a fangirl." I said and looked down at the glass of wine in my hands.

"But I did, didn't I?"

"Yeah, now that was a dumb move, huh?" I said. Will just looked into my eyes and smiled. "Youtube rule number 1: Always love your fans, no matter how stupid they are, right?" I joked, Will laughed a bit but didn't take his eyes off of me. "I think you're more than a fan."

"More than a friend too?"

"Would you stop with the jokes, I'm trying to be serious here." Will laughed.

"Alright, serious face." I said and made an exaggerated serious face expression, Will did the same, and we cracked up after seconds.

"Well. At least you like my work. I'm going to have to get used to my girlfriend being a fan."

"So, what you're saying is, I'm still your girlfriend?"

"If you still want to be." Will said. And all happiness in the world just flew through my body, and I gave him a big hug, and a giant kiss.

"You have no idea how miserable I have been!" I said.

"You've been miserable? I haven't been able to get out of bed!"

"Will, I'm sitting here drinking by myself... I think the award goes to me."

"I haven't made a video in ages, because I've been too depressed."

"Yeah, I know. Remember? Subscriber." I said an pointed at myself.

"I was thinking... For my next video, maybe I could introduce you to my fans."

"I could just imagine hearing teen hearts across the world breaking. Now, do you really want to anger your whole fanbase?"

"We could dress you up like George, stick on a scarf and sunglasses. Maybe they wouldn't notice."

"That would be a laugh, wouldn't it? "

"You're probably right. Maybe we should just keep it to ourselves."

The night moved on with us talking about how miserable we were without each other, and what sad songs we'd been listening to. I can't believe it. He actually forgave me. No more lies, no more secrets.

And You Are? (A WillNE Fan Fiction) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now