6. Stop Worrying

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Sara woke up feeling happier than usual. It took her a moment to realize why. But then she remembered, Will Lenney asked her out on a date. The thought of it seemed unreal. She spent the whole day planning what to wear, how she would style her hair and what make-up to wear. Her flat, which was usually neat, was a mess of beauty products and clothes.

Okay. I think I've got it. But what if it's too formal? I can't be too casual either. Okay, I'll just go with black pants and a see-through shirt, with a top underneath, of course. I'm not a slag. What time is it? 08.45. Oh shit. He could be here any time. I put on my clothes. My make-up and hair were already done. I put on my favourite perfume, Dreaming by Tommy Hilfiger. While putting on my shoes, I heard a knock on the door. 

I opened the door, and there Will was, with black pants and a black shirt. How convenient and a bit embarrassing, we even match.

"Hey. Are you ready to go?" Will said.

"Yeah, let me just get my bag and my jacket. Looks like we're going to match this evening." I jokingly said, and we both laughed at the funny coincidence.

We drove for a while, got to the restaurant, he had reserved our table, and we sat down. The waiter came with the menus, and I didn't realize this would probably be the hardest part. Choosing what to eat. It shouldn't be something that would make a big mess. It shouldn't be too unhealthy either, but not too healthy for that matter. I always find it very cheesy, when girls just order a salad. The prices were insane. I couldn't choose anything too expensive if he was planning on paying. Or if I was planning on paying for that matter.

Chicken with rice, maybe? I think that'll do. We made our orders, and we hadn't exchanged a word since we left the flat. Why must I be this awkward? Just say something. Anything. Oh, those eyes. Focus! What would be a nice topic? Come on, Sara. What do you normally do in these awkward situations? Ugh, my hands are sweating. Okay. Make a joke. It can be cheesy that's alright. Just say something!

"So... Is this where you bring all your girls?" I jokingly said.

"Haha. I don't usually go this formal. I don't think I'd ever brought a girl here before." He said. Great, Sara, now you have him thinking of his previous girls. Wait. Does he think I'm high maintenance? But I'm cool and chill, and totally casual. I should show him that. No, Sara. You can't do that at a restaurant. I wish I had a drink. I always become more talkative when I'm drunk.

"I'm glad you wanted to go on this date with me."

"Who wouldn't? You can't say no to that face." I, again, said jokingly.

"You shouldn't have said that. I'm going to take so much advantage of that. I'm going to make you cook me dinner every day, wash my clothes and clean my flat." He joked.

"Yeah, that's going to happen." I said sarcastically. Okay, so this is a little bit more casual. And here our food comes. Finally. I'm starving! Because of all the stress I had, from finding out how I should look like for the date, I completely forgot to eat. I'm not good at talking when there's food on the table. So inevitably, there was an awkward silence during the whole meal. But I was too busy eating to notice that. But regretfully, I think Will noticed.

"Why are you so quiet all of a sudden? Doesn't seem like you." He said, almost kind of worried.

"Oh, sorry. I don't know. Maybe it's because I've never been on a proper date before." I said, looking down at my plate, almost emptied already.

"Well, then let's make sure it's going to be a good one." He said, raising his glass, proposing a toast. Our glasses touched.

"Cheers, beautiful." Will said and winked. I couldn't help but blushing, and knowing I blushed, made me blush even more. Why did you have to give me that sexy wink, Will? What is he doing now? Oh, God. He put his hand on mine at the table, and we held hands for a while, just staring into each other's eyes, before finishing our meals. The waiter came to our table, and Will asked for the bill.

"I'll get that." He said.

"No, please. You don't have to pay for the whole bill, just because you have male genitals." I jokingly said.

"Haha. Well, it wouldn't be a proper date if I didn't." He said, and I just nodded. I didn't want to discuss who was going to pay. That would just be ridiculous. If he wants to pay, I'll let him pay. We got up from our table, grabbed our jackets and exited the restaurant.

"Do you want to go to a pub or something, to have a drink?" He asked me.

"I think that would finish this date off quite nicely." I said.

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