Chapter Two - Part One

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"Your father's funeral is today, Winter. It's time to go get ready," her mother told her, a small amount of sternness appearing in her voice.

Winter snapped, "I know, Mother. You don't have to keep saying it. I'm going now."

Her mother glared at Winter. "I don't appreciate that tone."

Without another word, Winter moved up the stairs to her bedroom and shut the door, a little louder than she intended. She sprawled out onto her comfy bed, the slam from the door echoing throughout her giant room as she laid her head in her hands and closed her eyes. The tears welled up in her eyes, swollen after crying for too long. It hadn't stopped since her father was gone, and she doubted it would stop now. She remembered the funeral and how she needed to keep a brave face on for her citizens, as the future ruler. She couldn't show her weakness. Raising herself to sit up, she sighed, wiping her tears away even though she wanted nothing more but to sob.

Winter walked towards the back wall by one of the many windows, peeking out to see the large number of witches and wizards outside of their castle. She smiled at them, even though they couldn't see her since she was two stories up, but she knew her father was loved. It warmed her heart just to see how many of them were standing outside trying to get her mother's attention. The security did their best to push them back from the front of the door until it opened slowly, her mother stepping outside. Her lips moved as she spoke, her words muffled behind the cool glass pane, but Winter knew what she was saying. Moments passed, and the people's faces clouded in confusion, then disappointment. Some had shock written all over their features while others became grim. They opened their mouths to speak, but they were inaudible. One by one, the witches and wizards walked away after hearing the news with their shoulders hunched forward and their head down, not knowing what to do without their King.

Not long after, a knock appeared at her door. "Come in," Winter replied.

Summer came towards her and stood by her left side. "Are you okay?"

"No, but how could I be okay? Father died and I couldn't do anything to stop it. What if it's my fault?"

He placed his hand on her shoulder. It was something he always did whenever she was upset and it made her feel better every time. Though, this time she didn't give her usual smile. "You know Father wouldn't want you to think like that. It wasn't your fault. You were there and it all still happened the way it was supposed to. Stopping it would have been impossible."

A sigh escaped her lips. "I know you're right. But if I could've just done something...anything to stop him from dying, I would've in a heartbeat. It's not fair."

"Life's not fair, sis." He embraced her in a tight hug, the warmth spreading over her bones. "That's just how it goes. We all would've stopped it from happening if it was possible, trust me."

She chuckled, still hugging him. Letting go would mean the funeral would come and she didn't want that. All she had to do was hold on to this moment like it was her last breath. "How did you get to be so smart? You're two years younger than me. It's not allowed."

"I got the good genes." He laughed, slowly letting her go.

Winter's grin spread like wildfire as Summer smiled too."Oh hush," she answered, rolling her eyes. A pause came as the two of them stayed smiling at each other. If only she could block out the rest of the world and stay like this with her best friend for the rest of eternity, she would. But she knew that other plans had to happen. At the thought of this, her smile started to fade.

Summer was the one to break the silence. "We should get ready. Mother wants us to go soon. It'll be hard, but I know you can do this, Winter. I will be by your side the entire time, I promise." He smiled at her again before he walked away, closing the door behind him.

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