Chapter Ten - Part Two

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Winter couldn't believe that those words came out of her mouth. The last thing she wanted to do actually happened and she had no idea what was going to come next. At least he would get her out. Unless he was just saying that for her to admit she needed him. Trusting him was still not on her list of things to do. It was difficult, but at this point with her injury, she had no other option.

He smirked at her question. That was it. It seemed he got what he wanted. All he did was nod at her before more wind was hurled towards her cell, almost knocking her down in the process. How he could make his magic so strong while barely using his hands, she had no idea but whatever it was, it was working.

Her hair was slapping against her face and the cell bars slowly began to shake. She couldn't understand why he didn't do this in the beginning to get himself out. Apparently she had to come rescue him and get herself hurt in the process. More wind pushed against the bars, starting to bend them as he continued. A hole was beginning to open and the chain to her left hand snapped from the wall. She was free!

The chain was heavy as she tried to lift her arm, she barely got it above her waist, but at least she could leave. Having a feeling that Blake would come back soon, she knew Phoenix needed to hurry.

And she was right.

Just as the bars twisted more, enough for her to jump out, Blake came around the corner. His jaw fell open for a split second before he screamed, "What is going on here!"

No one answered. Winter was focused on the large hole in between the cell bars as Phoenix was still doing his magic. She couldn't believe he was actually separating them and creating a hole.

Blake came running towards her. Her eyes grew wide as she wasn't sure what to do next until Phoenix yelled. "Run!"

At first, her legs wouldn't move. She felt frozen, like moving her body became a weight. She didn't want to be stuck here, but it seemed like that was what was going to happen. Her mind became blank as someone touched her arm, but she pulled away.

Phoenix took her out of her trance when the screams entered her mind. "Winter, go! Run!"

That was when she knew Blake was right behind her. If she didn't move now, she'd never get out of there. Quickly, she bolted through the silver bars, the chain dragging behind her, going as fast as she could when she turned to the left to leave with him still on her tail.

She knew about the puzzle at the beginning where the door was located, so while she was running she did her best to concentrate. The picture of a spear of ice filled her mind when she turned down another corner and made it to the door. The first thing she did was stop and stare at the lantern, lifting her hands. Could she still do magic with an injury? That was something she was just about to find out as a small grey swirl appeared from her left hand. Before it had always been her right, but either way it seemed to be working.

The weight of the chain held her down, but soon the spear that she pictured tumbled upon the lantern as she moved her hand like she was pushing the spear, breaking it into a million tiny pieces. Blake was nowhere to be found, but she didn't bother looking back to see. Winter walked over to the right side of the wall where the tiny light had appeared once before from the other part of the puzzle. A few coughs slipped when she placed her left hand on the right side of the wall and then took her right one and placed the four fingers on the bottom. She was unsure whether it would work since her full hand wasn't on it, but she had to try.

With everything going on, she didn't have much time to think about the pain, but now that it was there, sitting on the wall as she waited for something to happen, her hand filled with pain again. She was almost positive it was broken, but she wasn't a doctor. It would be better to have it checked out at the hospital over by the ocean, if she could make it there.

After what felt like an eternity, the wall finally opened, covering her head to toe in dirt. She coughed as she brushed some of the dirt off using her left hand when Blake came around the corner.

"There you are. You're not going anywhere."

Winter laughed. "Oh really? Think again."

Just like that, she jumped through the wall of dirt and made it to the other side. She was safe, even though she had a throbbing pain in her right hand, leaving Blake, River and Phoenix in the dust.

 She was safe, even though she had a throbbing pain in her right hand, leaving Blake, River and Phoenix in the dust

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