Chapter Eleven - Part Two

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A few minutes passed as her thoughts continued to run wild with things that may or may not happen until she stepped through the door. It was too quiet, aside from the occasional mumbling and beeping coming from other patients' rooms, she wasn't ready for this. The smell that came through her nose was definitely worse than the ocean. She didn't want to be here, but it was all her fault.

About to turn her back on the place and walk out, a woman with a high pitched voice spoke up. "Can I help you, ma'am?"

Winter's lips fell into a line before she sighed. She had no choice now. Ignoring the lady would just cause more problems in the future and deep down the pain was unbearable. She needed to do something about it.

"Um..." she mumbled. "Yes, please."

By now, Winter turned around and was facing the desk. The woman speaking to her must have been the receptionist of the office. She knew she had to mention it to her eventually or nothing was going to get done.

"What can I help you with, Princess?"

Her eyes drifted to the first window in the building to see if she could see the ocean before she answered the woman.

She became more at ease when she realized it was there waiting for her. Walking a little closer, she placed her hands on the desk. "I think I broke my thumb."

The receptionist gasped when Winter's thumb came into her view. "We need to get you to the Emergency Room." She grabbed the phone and dialed a couple of numbers, then mumbled something to whoever was on the other end.

Before Winter had a chance to think, two nurses came up behind her with a wheelchair. "Sit down," one of them said as they placed a hand on her shoulder, making her jump.

Although a little nervous, she did as she was told then asked, "How long will this surgery take? What's the recovery time?"

The nurse on the left side of Winter glanced in her direction while continuing to move forward. "The doctors will explain everything when we get back there. An X-Ray needs to be done before we can decide anything."

Winter exhaled before getting wheeled into the back room where tons of doctors walked around, visiting patients. She was stopped and turned to the left when her eyes moved up and she turned to look behind her, only to realize the nurses left the room.

A blank, white wall blocked her view with a large amount of beeping appearing in her ears before a doctor stood in front of her. "Hello, I'm Doctor Seether, let's get you back to the X-Ray room and get started. How long has it been since you broke your thumb?"

As she was getting taken back into the room Winter replied, "I'm not exactly sure that it's broken, but it's been at least 5 hours. I would've come here right away but I couldn't."

She couldn't understand why she was even in a wheelchair. It wasn't like she couldn't walk, but she guessed they did this protocol with every patient. Once making it back, Winter got out of the wheelchair and sat in a white chair next to the hospital bed that had a sheet of paper covering it.

Doctor Seether laid down a piece on to the bed, which Winter guessed was a screen for the x-ray when the machine above her started to move, creating a white area on the part laying on the small bed.

"What's your name?" the woman asked while motioning Winter to place her right hand on the white piece.

Small buzzes were created from the x-ray machine, each one signalling a picture being taken. "Winter Amberstone."

The doctor smiled. "Ah, the Princess. I can assure you that you are in good hands with me. We will take great care of you here."

A grin formed on Winter's face, though no words came as she silently acknowledged the doctor.. The only sound in the room came from the x-rays, the motions and beeping determining what would happen with her thumb.

A frown came across her lips. "I'm sorry to say this, Princess, but your thumb is definitely broken. It looks like you have limited movement which means we need to get this surgery going sooner rather than later."

Winter shook, her heart pounding against her chest. It was her first time going through this. "How long will the surgery take? Will I recover quickly?"

"I look for it to take about two hours and your recovery time would be about six weeks or so. It may take up to three months for your hand to become fully functional again, but you will be fine."

She knew she didn't have much of a choice. It was either lose her thumb or go through with the surgery. Maybe it wouldn't be as bad as she thought, but at this point she didn't have a choice. She stood up and walked with the doctor to the area for surgeries. Everything about it was the same as the rest of the rooms except for the label.

After entering, Doctor Seether explained, "We are going to give you some anesthesia so you won't feel the pain during the surgery, but for now just lie on the bed and relax. Everything will be okay."

She got on the hospital bed and laid her head back just before someone came over to her with a mask and placed it over her face. A few seconds passed before she got sleepy, her eyes closing tightly.

Then, she blinked. All she could see were white walls and a grey bed that she was laying on.

One of the last moments she remembered was right before someone placed a mask over her face and she fell asleep. Glancing down at her right hand, she realized a cast was covering it up to her wrist. The surgery must've happened. Was she still in the hospital? Did her mother know? If only Summer could be here to tell her how much of an idiot she was. She hated waking up alone without seeing anyone she recognized.

"Well, well, well, look who's awake."


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