Chapter Two - Part Three

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Winter froze in her place, the water in her eyes beginning to build up at the corners, but she fought the tears. She couldn't let her mother see her cry, not just to prove she is strong, but for her father. She had to stand up for him, even if it meant hearing her mother speak to her the way she just did. She huffed, wiping her tears away with her thumbs while turning her back away from her mother, when the large doors opened once again.

A hand fell on her shoulder, making her jump. "Are you okay? I heard everything Mother said. Don't believe her. I know you, Winter. And I know Father wouldn't just pick anyone to rule our kingdom. You can do it. I believe in you."

"I'm...I'm as good as I can be, Summer. I'm here at Father's funeral and Mother hates me. How much worse can it get?"

Summer didn't say a word, but he kept his promise, at least for now. She was tired already. Too many terrible things have happened. A part of her just wanted the whole thing to end.

Glancing towards the door, Winter saw the pastor dressed in black. She guessed her mother hired him. His dark green eyes looked in her direction before her mother finally spoke up. "Oh, good! You're here. Everyone else should be coming shortly, so let's get you set up." She took him towards the center of the room, leaving Winter alone with Summer and the casket. Winter walked towards it, once again, gently pressing her hand against it to relax herself. She missed him.

Soon, witches and wizards from everywhere filled the Royal Hall with their chatter. It became so loud that Winter couldn't hear her own thoughts. All she wanted was to be with her father alone, but she knew that wasn't going to happen. As soon as everyone arrived, she heard a loud clap coming from where her mother was standing. They all quickly turned their heads towards her as she began to speak. "Hello everyone and I thank you for coming today. I know today is a sad day due to King Amberstone's passing, but we are going to give our attention to Pastor Elias for the moment."

Everyone grew silent as they waited for the pastor to speak, but in the meantime, Winter saw her mother raise a hand and bring it forward, motioning her to come over. She walked quickly towards her mother and stood next to her with her hands folded and head down right as he began. "Let's begin," he paused, "we are all gathered here today to celebrate King Fredrick Amberstone's life as a King. He lived to be fifty-three years old and as we all know, he did a great job in monitoring Fiarthe, our country. Even though he was only the King of Goldenfordge, he never failed to be there for Starhaven or Lost Meadow, if it was needed. He died young, but we shouldn't be afraid. We are left with the two wonderful witches: the heir to the throne, Princess Winter Amberstone and, the one who will be ruling the kingdom from now on, Queen Luna Amberstone. Of course, we will have Summer to protect us as well so I know we are in good hands. He stopped for a few seconds and smiled, then asked, "Would either of you like to say anything?"

Winter shook her head and frowned. She knew if she were to say anything, she would break into pieces and she couldn't show that in front of everyone. Looking to her left, she saw her mother also shake her head back and forth. It was hard enough for the two of them to do their best to stay happy, neither of them were ready to talk in front of the kingdom of people. Summer opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but closed it. Maybe now wasn't the right time for whatever he was thinking about.

"Okay then," the pastor mumbled. "We're going to walk outside now. Please follow me."

While everyone left the room with the pastor, Winter, her mother, Summer, and a few of the King's friends stayed behind. Each of his friends stood by one corner of the casket and placed their hands right above each corner. A flash of wind came from their hands, the same grey swirl popping up, making the gust become stronger the longer they concentrated. Slowly, both sides of the casket began to rise as her mother walked around and pushed the door open. The friends moved forward, taking the casket along with them, as Winter ran behind them before the doors shut, providing a loud echo behind her.

They all walked to the right side of the building, where Pastor Elias was standing, and slowly set the casket down inside the grave. Winter walked over by the grave and sat down, tears lightly falling down her face. She looked up at the pastor, wiping her eyes with her hand, as he spoke once again. "Today, we grieve King Fredrick Amberstone. He was a great man and an amazing King. We strived with him and we will also strive without him."

Everyone around her was crying. She wondered if that would allow her to cry. She looked back at her father's casket then a large gust of wind appeared, making her dress fly up just a tad, but she smoothed it down as quick as she could. Glancing around, she realized that the same friends were now lifting the dirt into the air, moving it slowly over her father's grave to cover it up. At this point, she didn't care whether people could see her crying. She laid on the ground as they slowly filled it up, her tears hitting the dirt occasionally, creating mud. Winter shook, closing her eyes as she cried. She took a deep breath, hoping it would stop, but they just came down harder each time she tried to stop them.

Feeling two hands grip her waist, she was lifted to the point where she could stand, but her legs wouldn't let her. Each time she tried to put a little weight on one, she would fall. Still crying, she did her best to wipe her tears, her cheeks now completely wet. "Stand up, Winter," her mother told her sternly. "You shouldn't be crying here. You are a princess. Your father would want you to be better than this."

Her mother was right, she should be better than this. She wasn't fit to rule this kingdom, she just cried in front of everyone. She couldn't help it, but maybe it was true. Maybe her father would be ashamed of her for the way she acted. Quickly, she stood up straight, lifting her hand up to her cheeks and wiped her tears.

"Leave her alone, Mother." His voice startled her, but she knew exactly who it was. He had tears running down his face, too. "This is our Father's funeral. Can you, for once, just stop treating her like such a terrible daughter? If she wants to cry, then let her!"

Summer held her hand, not daring to let go. Out of all the times they needed each other, this was a major time. She was surprised that he actually stood up for her like that. Of course, he had always been there for her, but talking back to Mother was usually a huge mistake. But this time, water built up in her mother's eyes and she was quiet. Everyone around them was looking at her mother, but not one word was spoken. Instead, she was shaking and crying.

Since her mother finally broke, Winter knelt down, feeling the dirt graze against her knees as a few tears slipped onto her cheeks again. Her eyes never left the grave. "I love you, Father. I will be back as often as I can to speak to you. I will always need you."

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