Chapter Nine - Part One

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It took all of her strength for her to get up off of the floor. Her muscles ached. She didn't know exactly how long she had been laying there, but it felt like an eternity. Winter stretched her arms out as far as she could before she heard the cling of the chains, bringing her swiftly back into reality. If only she could escape.

She needed a plan. Clearly she had all the time in the world since she didn't think they were going to let her out anytime soon. She already tried, and failed at leaving, once. Not ready to go through that again, she sat on the bed. The only solution she could come up with right at this moment was telling her mother. Did she really want to bring her into this? Already going against what both her parents told her, she knew she would get in more trouble. She couldn't bring Mother in. It needed to be her last resort. For now, she would think of something else. But what?

"Oh good, you're awake." Blake's voice rumbled through the air, forcing her to turn towards him. He was standing over by Phoenix's cell, shaking the keys in his hand so quietly that they barely made a sound.

Winter rolled her eyes. Of course he would make her jealous and help the one who actually did something wrong, but not her. She had no idea how she was going to get out. It's not like magic would do her any good. She couldn't do it without her hands, which were both stuck in chains.  Everything would've been perfect if she didn't try to help Phoenix. She was done trying to help him. Especially if Blake decides to let him out of the cell first, when all she did was try to take the keys.

Each chain pulled at her arms as she stood up and took a couple steps forward, almost making her lose her balance when one yanked her back more than the other. "Of course I'm awake," she spoke, the daggers that rose in her eyes were directed at Blake, her tone darkening. "Now let me out of here."

He moved in front of her cell, swinging the keys in a large circle, a loud ringing appearing in her ear every time they slammed against the silver pole. "Give me a good reason as to why I should even think about opening this door."

A few moments passed as she tried to think of something that would let her escape, but nothing came to her mind. She wanted to blame it on Phoenix and say that he was the one who made her get the keys, or try to at least, but she couldn't do that. No matter how much she disliked him, she wasn't a liar. Plus, he was already in the cell. More than likely, it wouldn't matter to Blake even if he knew that.

His shoulders shook as a chuckle slipped out of his mouth. "I knew you couldn't do it."

Winter moved towards the ground and sat just as he turned around to head back to the chair when a light bulb appeared in her mind, giving out an idea. "Wait!"

Blake sighed. "What is it now? I already told you unless you gave me a good reason I'm not opening that door."

From the sound of his voice, she already knew that he had enough of her making a fuss. Maybe if she continued and pushed him just a bit more, he would let her out. Although, what if the plan backfired? Should she even risk it?

Unsure of the outcome, she didn't want to be in more trouble than she already was, but she needed to leave. Her wrists were already in major pain from the tightness of the chains, a hint of redness forming at the base of each one.

As she was about to open her mouth to speak, Phoenix cut in. "Face it, Winter. You're not going to get out. I'm in just as much trouble as you are and your mother doesn't even know you are here."


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