Chapter Twenty-Two

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Winter's feet stung with every step she took, each bone in her body pleading for her to stop. Walking all day wasn't the way she intended her stay at Starhaven to go, but she needed to fit in. Every day for the last three weeks, she earned a bed in a hut by retrieving food for their supply. It seemed she couldn't get much rest no matter what she did. Though she was grateful she got away from Phoenix nearly a month ago, the rain pouring down her along with how weak her body was, she almost regretted coming here. Hopefully, after putting in all of the work to help everyone out, someone could take her back to Goldenfordge. But she needed magic for that. A stranger helping her out wasn't what she'd choose, but she didn't have the correct form of magic to teleport. For now, the only way to get through this was to think of her brother.

While continuing her daily job, she wondered why Summer never got cursed. What did he have that she didn't? Sure, he was a bit more powerful than her, but they both still trained. It wasn't like she didn't have magic at all. If Mother was behind this, it had to be because her mother never liked her. But it wasn't Mother. It was Phoenix. He cursed her and caused all of these problems. If only her father never met Phoenix, he'd still be here now and she definitely wouldn't be in this situation. There was a chance Father would be disappointed in her. She wasn't in Goldenfordge taking care of all the citizens as her promise when she became queen. Queen wasn't her title yet, but she needed to make a good impression. It was too late now.

Lost in thought, Winter dropped every bit of food she was holding, bumping into a blonde-haired girl she hadn't seen before. Starhaven was big, but she imagined she would've noticed more people being here almost three weeks. "Oh, I'm so sorry!" exclaimed Winter. "I wasn't paying attention, let me help–"

"Do I know you?" the girl asked, pushing herself up.

"N-No, I don't think–"

After standing up, the girl pulled Winter forward, running back to the hut where everything was set up. "I do know you! You're the princess of Goldenfordge!"

Blinking, Winter's jaw hung open. She had absolutely no idea how this person would know who she is, especially since she never traveled out of Goldenfordge. When she came to Starhaven, she made absolutely sure that no one would recognize her. Through working and helping the people of the town, the ability to buy some clothes with the tiny bit of money she earned made it easier for her to change. It was never expected that anyone would find her, let alone this girl she never saw before. "I have never seen you. Tell me, what gave it away?"

"Nothing, of course! I just recognized you," the girl answered.

Everyone knew who Winter was. There was no taking that away. Instead of focusing on how this person figured out who she was, she decided to try and make a friend. "What's your name?" She laughed, quietly, the nerves rushing through her for a moment. Unsure how to actually make a friend worried her a little. "Clearly you already know mine."

The blonde sat down, looking up at Winter before taking a breath. It seemed she was about to reveal something not many knew. "I'm Astrid. I'm sorry for pulling you away. I know that's not necessarily allowed, but I've been searching for my brother."

With wide eyes, Winter stared at her. She never knew anyone with a brother. There was no missing person letter anywhere and she stayed in Starhaven for three weeks. Surely something would've popped up. But no matter how much she didn't want to get involved, she was to be queen, which led her to the only option that was left. "I'm so sorry to hear that, Astrid. When was the last time you saw him?"

She chuckled nervously. "Well...this will sound strange, I'm sure. It was years ago. He was removed from our family for a reason I've just found out and he really needs to know this information. He probably looks different now so there's no point of describing him to you, but have you heard of anyone by the name of Phoenix Black? If you have, please tell me. I need to find him."

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