Chapter Fifteen - Part Two

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He was about to walk out and shut the door on her, but before he could, Roger's voice came from upstairs. "Phoenix, there's someone here to see you."

Phoenix turned around, placing his hands in his pockets. "Not now, I'm busy."

"Too busy for me?" a woman's voice appeared, the footsteps coming closer to the door.

Winter could see the light from underneath the door, gaining space as it opened wider. She didn't want to be stuck in here, maybe this woman was saving her and she didn't even know it.

The woman walked down the stairs and looked at Phoenix with a bright smile on her face. She caressed his cheek and then gave him a hug. "Phoenix, dear, how could you be too busy for me?"

"Mother...I..." He stopped, tossing Winter a look before glancing back at her. "I'm sorry, I'm never too busy for you."

Winter couldn't believe what she just heard. Mother. Did she really meet a part of his family indirectly? Was this what he brought her here for? Possibly, because of the marriage her mother decided to set up. She stood up straight, brushing herself off while keeping her mouth shut.

Phoenix's mother moved past him, standing in front of Winter. "Oh, hello, who are you?"

"This is Winter, Mother. Just someone I met on my way back from Goldenfordge."

"Oh, look at that! My little boy bringing home a wonderful girl! I'm so proud of you!" she squealed, pushing her long brown hair out of her face.

He sighed. "It's not like that--"

The smile wasn't leaving. "Well of course it is, dear. Why else would you bring a girl home? Let's go upstairs. Everyone else is here, I'm sure they would love to meet her!"

Winter grinned, knowing at least for now that she was escaping. "It's nice to meet you."

They walked up the stairs with Phoenix slowly behind them, silence filling the room for a moment before his mother spoke. "Oh it's so wonderful to meet you as well, Winter. I'm Esme...Esme Sanford. This is so exciting!"

When they made it into the living room, three others stood with the same bright grin as Esme had. Before any of them got a chance to sit down, one of the men, who was about the same height as Phoenix, came over and patted Phoenix on the back. His brown bangs ran just past his eyebrows before he pushed them out of his face. "So, lil' bro, I see you've got yourself a girlfriend. Come on now, introduce us!"

"She's not my girlfriend, Nick. I met her on the way back from Goldenfordge."

Winter already knew it was a lie, but instead of saying anything, she stuck her arm out in front of him. "Hi Nick, I'm Winter."

Nick shook her hand, tossing a look at Phoenix. "Oh, so a witch girlfriend. Even better." He smirked.

That definitely deserved an eye roll. Winter backed up, leaving Phoenix and his brother alone. She could already tell they weren't going to be friends.

"Ignore him, he's a brat." A woman walked over to Winter, her long black hair going just barely past her waist shining brightly against the light from the room. She stood next to Winter in front of a couch. "Have a seat, Winter. I'm Lauren, Phoenix's younger sister. Though I'm smarter than he is, but he wouldn't admit it."

Laughter slipped out of Winter's mouth when Phoenix turned around. He lifted his arms up, pointed at her and sighed. "Monkey, I've told you you are not smarter than me. It's time you stop telling people that."

Lauren rolled her eyes. "Don't call me that. You know I hate it."

"And that's exactly why I do it," he replied with a big grin on his face.

Esme stepped in front of them with a smile. "I'm glad you told Winter about us, Phoenix."

"I apologize Mrs. Sanford, but Phoenix never mentioned you. This is the first time I've heard anything about his family."

Phoenix glared at her. She knew she probably shouldn't of said that, but lying wasn't her intention. Even if it was his.

"You never told her about us? The entire time I thought she knew. Phoenix, why?"

He looked towards the ground and stuttered. "I-I didn't have the time, I guess. I apologize, Mother."

The room fell silent. Winter never saw Phoenix acting the way he just did. It surprised her more than anything else. Maybe he actually did have a heart.

A few minutes later, another man came towards Phoenix and placed a hand on his shoulder. "It's alright, son. She knows about us now, at least, but I do think she should know the full truth since you brought her here."

There was more? What else did she need to know? Confusion spilled across her face. She wasn't actually going to marry Phoenix. Did his family know something she didn't? Was the ceremony already in place? She shuddered. If that's what he brought her here for, she would never forgive him.

"Luke, he doesn't have to talk about it if he doesn't want to," Esme replied.

Phoenix lifted his head while placing both hands in his pockets. Lauren and Nick were both watching him intently. Whatever it was, it had to be important.

"It's okay, Mother. Father's right." His eyes met Winter's, but he hesitated for a moment before speaking again. "I'm...I'm adopted. My family..." He pointed around the room towards his mother and father. "They found me when I was about five years old. I've been with them ever since."

She was shocked. The one thing she never expected him to say was that he was adopted. Sadness ran through her and she wondered what his life was like as a child. Was he happy? At the same time, her veins filled with rage. Trusting him was never going to happen, but maybe this was the reason why he has been treating her this way. No matter what, it didn't give him a right to be like this. Phoenix got her in so much trouble and his family didn't even know it. Did they know who he truly was outside of Lost Meadow?

"Oh, wow," she paused. "Do you know who your biological parents are?" Her tone was filled with sorrow, but she was curious more than anything else. While brushing her hair back from her forehead, she waited for an answer.

It was silent. Phoenix stood there without saying a word. A loud beeping noise made everyone look up and Winter gasped.

He walked over to the kitchen counter and took a white square from it, placing it in his hands. Everyone was watching him as he clicked a button with his finger on the screen and lifted the square up to his ear. Before saying anything, he moved outside.

Through the window, his lips moved like he was talking to someone, but Winter couldn't hear a word he was saying. It must have been extremely important business if his family wasn't allowed to hear it.

Lauren tried to speak to Winter, but it was clear she was too focused on Phoenix to listen to a word his sister said. It wasn't long until he came back inside with the white square resting in his hand. His eyes landed on hers. The slight shaking of his fingers told her he was nervous. Something must've happened, but she wasn't ready to find out what.

Phoenix cleared his throat, making the chatter stop. "Winter, King Jensen wants to see you. We have to go, now."


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