Chapter 25: Wrong Timing

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Cracks in relationships are like broken bones. They're really hard to fix, and they need some time to be fixed. Not only that, they really hurt. Some can be so much more painful than others. I just added a fresh crack in our relationship because of my ignorance.

Not only that, this crack was painful. And I mean painful. I just hurt Sophia pretty badly because of the side effects of my car accident. But she didn't show me that she was hurt. Which didn't tell me that she was upset.

    After yelling at Sophia, I just stormed off and went to the library to study for finals. I left my friends and everyone at the lunch area and just stormed off to study for mid-year finals. After returning to school from a break, we have to be smacked in the face with finals.

In other words, I may as well shred my foot on a cheese grater. It's the same form of pain.

While I'm studying, Victoria comes up to me. 

"Hey Ray," she says. I look up from the notes that I was typing. 

"Oh. Hey Victoria," I say. 

"Are you okay? You look pretty badly beaten up," she says. 

"It's nothing, Victoria. Just had a little accident," I say.

"Okay, if you say so," Victoria says. I nod. 

"So, how was your Christmas?" she asks. 

"It was great. I spent it with Sophia," I say.

Something about mentioning spending time with Sophia seems to make Victoria uncomfortable. I just can't put my finger on it. I don't think much of it, though. "That's cool. But enough of the small talk. I was having a bit of trouble on the history homework. Do you think you could lend me a hand?" she asks.

I nod, and we go on with our day. During the whole time, I can't help but notice that she always is asking questions about Sophia. It's basically more about Sophia than about me. I got a bit curious, though. What was her interest in Sophia? They are neighbors, and have been for the past ten years, give or take.

But the questions are a little bit on the personal side. I, of course, am the only person who isn't part of her family to know her like I know the back of my hand. I try not to go into too much detail because I still respect Sophia and her boundaries.

Eventually, Victoria leaves me alone and she goes away. I didn't mind her presence. I just felt uncomfortable with her asking all of these questions about Sophia. Once the bell rings, I head over to my 5th period class. As I'm walking, Sonia approaches me.

"Hey, Ray. Have you seen Sophia anywhere? She was with you the last time I saw her," Sonia says. I shrug. 

"I don't know, Sonia. I talked with her and then she left," I say. She raises an eyebrow at me. "That's odd. Maybe she is in the bathroom. Thanks anyways," Sonia says. 

She turns swiftly on her heel and walks away. Eventually, I get to my sixth period class, which is AP Calculus. I just act if everything was normal. Eventually, Sophia walks in, but she avoids eye contact with me. She just quietly sits down and gets out her math book.

I don't say a word to her, and I just commence with my math work. I'm pretty sure people start eyeing us and wondering why we aren't talking. Because most of the time, you can't get us to shut up. We are the two most talkative people in the class. Even Ms. Sanders is eyeing us weirdly. But we act like there is nothing to really worry about.

After class, Sophia and I still don't say a word to each other. I decide to walk with Pete home because we don't live very far from each other. Eventually, Sonia comes up to us. "Ray, I need to talk to you," Sonia says. Pete and I stop walking. 

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