Chapter 51: Innocent?

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"Well, this is a very serious matter, ladies," Ms. Robinson says, as we sit in her office, nervously. My lips are pursed together out of fear, and Victoria herself looks incredibly uncomfortable. She knows that she screwed up when it came to this, and she hates herself for it. I can see it through her eyes, and how she moves around. 

I'd be lying if I said that I didn't feel a little bit bad for her. 

"Victoria, you are facing a lot right now. You are facing a possible suspension right now. Do you know how severe your actions were? This is something that cannot be looked over," Ms. Robinson says. Victoria doesn't move from her sitting position. She just continues to look down on the ground, and act like she regrets everything.

 "I'm sorry," is all that manages to come out of her mouth. Her voice is distant, cold, yet with a hint of remorse in there. Ms. Robinson sits back in her chair. 

"Victoria, 'sorry' doesn't make up for everything that you've done. This is so serious, Victoria. You did so many things wrong," she says, and even Ms. Robinson looks like she doesn't know what to do with Victoria. She looks like she really wants to punish her, but at the same time, she can't do so. When I see Victoria, I know that she's actually truly sorry for everything that she's done. She won't even look me straight in the eye right now. 

I can hear the guilt that's interwoven throughout her voice. I can't let anything happen to her. And, on the plus side, she backed out right before Lisa falsely accused Ray and I of everything that we had supposedly done. She didn't have the heart to humiliate me in front of our whole senior year. That really shows that she does care, deep down. She just made the wrong decisions in life, and she regrets it fully. 

"Ms. Robinson?" I ask. Ms. Robinson looks over at me, with a questioning look on her face. 

"Yes, Sophia?" she asks. I gulp. 

"I don't think you should be too hard on Victoria." Ms. Robinson looks extremely shocked at my words. She looks like I have a unicorn horn growing out of my forehead. 

"Why do you say that, Sophia?" I sigh. 

"Ms. Robinson, I feel like Victoria is truly sorry for everything that she did to me. I can see it in her eyes and her body language. She's truly sorry, and I appreciate that. Not only that, she actually backed out of the whole thing right at the last minute. She didn't have the heart to do anything that bad to me. That shows me that she's actually insanely sorry for all the pain that she has caused me throughout this whole process. I think she shouldn't be punished for being sorry and for showing some mercy for Ray and I."

Ms. Robinson looks at me, then at Victoria. She's studying Victoria at that moment, analyzing all her facial expressions and her body language. With a loud sigh, Ms. Robinson shows a little bit of mercy. 

"Very well, Sophia. Victoria, you got very lucky. You should be lucky to have someone like Sophia right by you. But, I do believe that you have to be punished. Victoria, you will have detention for three days, after school, for one hour. If you don't attend, then you will have to attend Saturday school." Victoria looks up a little bit as she types it into her computer. 

"Okay," Victoria says softly, as Ms. Robinson types up everything that she needs to. 

"Very well, then. You're both dismissed," she says, and we both get up, grab our belongings, and just get out of the office. I felt oddly stressed in there, and I don't even know why. I wasn't even the one who was risking anything remotely punishable. 

When I get out of the office, I face Victoria again. She flashes me a slight smile, as I flash her another smile in return. "Thank you, Sophia," she says. I look at her, slightly confused. 

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