Movie Day? Part 1

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After Peter had retreated to his bedroom to get dressed, Loki had remained in her study for a few minutes. Having wondering how it went, both Stephen and Tony decided to go upstairs. Stephen knocked on the open door, peeking his head in, effectively dragging Loki out of her thoughts.

"Did you give him the bracelet?"

The Wizard asked, walking in and wrapping his arms around Lady Loki's waist from the behind. She smiled up at him and nodded, humming in sweet happiness.

"I did. He loved it."

She chirped, and that caused both men in the room to smile as well. Stephen leaned his head in a little to gently kiss Loki's cheek, but she tilted her head up at an angle, causing their lips to connect for a few moments. They both chuckled softly after the kiss broke apart, but Stephen kept his arms around Loki.

"I can't believe he's becoming a Junior this year. Time flies, doesn't it?"

Tony asked, out of the blue as he leaned against the doorframe, looking over at his lovers. Loki nodded in agreement, sighing softly in what seemed like she was having a moment of nostalgia.

"It is rather odd to think about. But, think about it this way: two more school years before college. And then we get the house all to ourselves for more than five days a week during the school year."

Stephen said, adding a wink at the end, which caused both Loki and Tony to laugh softly. He wasn't wrong, but the way it was worded caused them to laugh. The three of them had house to themselves today; unless something were to happen, causing the Avengers to assemble, or Stephen to leave to the NY Sanctum, or Loki to leave for Asgard.

"Speaking of having the house to ourselves,"
Loki began, looking to her husbands with a small smirk and a playful glint in her eyes. The trickster goddess had an idea for them today.
"I say we celebrate. Movie marathon?"

She finished, and Tony nodded in agreement. Stephen hummed an approving sound and smiled widely.

"That, sounds like a perfect idea."

Both Tony and Stephen said in unison, causing the three of them to laugh. Movie marathons, particularly Disney, were a rather common occurrence when it came to the three of them. Usually it ended in heading to the bedroom (😏), but sometimes it ended with all of them falling asleep on the couch in each other's hold. And they all enjoyed it nonetheless.

"Which movie are we starting with then, boys?"

Loki hummed as she got out of Stephen's hold and started to walk out of her study. She personally wanted to watch Emperor's New Groove, but let's see how this goes.

A/N - Hey guys...I am so sorry that a) I haven't updated in two months and b) this is so short! Everything's kind of been crazy lately and I don't really know how to explain's a mixture of school, band, my home life in both my mom's and my dad's house, and my mental health as a whole. But I didn't want to keep you waiting anymore so I decided to halfass finish a part one of something I wanted to do in a chapter but I'm just like nah it's fine let's write a fluffy two parter. So thank you all for being patient with me and I love all the comments so far, by the way. So stay fresh my guys, gals and nonbinary pals! Peace!

Two Dads and A Mom? Yes. Just Three Dads? Also Yes.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt