*Darling, You Look Perfect Tonight

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A/N: Hey guys! Thank you so much for 500+ reads! I never thought it would get this many! Let's see if we can get to 1k!
Also this particular one-shot was inspired by the song 'Perfect' by Ed Sheeran. Call me sappy but honestly I can see this being a good song aesthetic for either IronStrange or FrostIron, but I'm better at IronStrange so lessgo.

"Friday I can't go out there to meet him. I look like a mess."

Tony Stark told his AI as he was getting ready in his bedroom for a date night with his fiancé, Stephen. Tony stared at himself in the mirror for a solid thirty seconds before turning away from it, sighing heavily in distress. He saw the bags under his eyes, and how his hair, no matter what he did, always seemed to be messy or undone.
Normally Tony wouldn't be this upset or anxious about his appearance, but this wasn't just anyone; it was Stephen, and he always wanted to make an excellent impression on him. Even though both of them have seen the other at their worst moments.

"Sir, you know mister Strange will find you handsome even if you say you look like a mess. You needn't stress about this."

The AI responded to Tony, snapping him out of his thoughts. The billionaire took a deep breath, knowing that a) he's looked worse, and b) Friday was right. Putting on a small bit of cologne, he nodded.

"Yeah. You're right. Let him know I'll be out in a couple minutes. I need to finish getting ready."

He said, and the AI didn't respond; she was doing what Tony had asked.
Stephen was pacing the living room, just as, if not more nervous than Tony is. They don't usually go on dates like this: going out of the house all dressed up and such. The wizard had a night planned for them; hopefully everything turns out well and it's as nice as they intend.

"Mister Strange? Mister Stark has asked me to let you know that he will be downstairs in a couple of minutes."

The AI said to Stephen, and his attention turned to her. He smiled softly, having a feeling that Tony had been freaking out, though Strange thought that Stark was going to look perfect to him no matter what he wore.

"Thank you, Friday."

He hummed, just as Tony was walking down the stairs, trying his personal hardest to not look like he had been freaking out upstairs. The wizard smiled when he saw his fiancé, and walked up to him, meeting him at the bottom step. The taller wrapped his arms around the billionaire, the latter calming down a little bit more once he was in Stephen's arms.

"Hey wizard. You ready?"

Tony asked with a smile, looking up at the taller who met eye contact and returned the smile.

"Ready as I'll ever be."

Tony chuckled softly, getting the reference that Stephen made just now. Don't judge them, they may or may not watch cartoons with their young son, Peter, who was currently with his aunt May for the week. And then Stark sighed heavily, biting his lower lip.

"Do I look okay? I, I probably look like a mess."

Tony asked softly, looking up nervously at his fiancé. Stephen shook his head and sighed gently, reaching up with one hand to cup Stark's face delicately.

"Darling, you look perfect tonight."

He whispered softly, almost underneath his breath, but Tony heard it. He smiled weakly up at Stephen, and the two leaned closer, resulting in a gentle yet loving kiss.

"I don't deserve this."

"Yes you do, darling. You look perfect."

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