Movie Day? Part 2

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"I suggest we start with Aladdin."

Stephen started to say before he was interrupted by Tony while they were walking downstairs.

"Oh cmon Wizard, I think we should start with Big Hero Six."

The billionaire said, because that was his personal favourite Disney Movie. Loki overheard this conversation; she didn't say anything but she did roll her eyes fondly and sighed softly as she went to put on something all three of them can agree on: The Lion King.

"We can watch those two later darlings; we're starting with The Lion King."

Lady Loki called out to her husband's with a laugh from the kitchen; she was making popcorn for the three of them. She then glanced to the analog clock on the microwave and sighed, knowing Peter wasn't downstairs yet.

"Peter come on! You have to go to school! Happy is not going to wait on you for too long!"

The motherly figure shouted towards upstairs to the teenager, and you could hear footsteps rushing down the stairs.

"I'm coming, I'm coming."

Peter huffed as he came downstairs, dressed and ready for school. He did not look happy; he actually looked exhausted. He would get an energy drink from his best friend/crush Ned from school. Tony never allowed energy drinks in the house and yet he was the one to drink the most coffee in the mornings. He quickly gave his parents a hug goodbye before heading out the front door, going off to school and leaving the three adults alone.

"Shit. He's gone."

Tony said, still in disbelief that Peter was in Junior Year this year. He wasn't alone in his disbelief; both Loki and Stephen felt the same way.

"He will be alright. I'm sure of it."

Stephen hummed as Loki came out with the popcorn for the three of them; Stephen and Tony were already on the sofa cuddling, and the movie was ready to play.

"Let's begin, shall we?"

Loki hummed as she sat down with her husband's, Tony in between the taller two. Both men nodded and the movie began.


The Lion King ended and it was Stephen who was the only one awake. Tony and Loki had fallen asleep; Tony curled up against Stephen and Loki curled on the other end of the couch. It was a cute scene to look at; Stephen was smiling fondly as his loves. He always found them to look peaceful in their sleep, free from stress. Soon enough the Wizard fell asleep too, joining the others.

It was a successful movie day.

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