Decision Time! (Because I suck)

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A/N: Hah...hey fam. Happy New Year? I mean it's February now and I haven't updated since..July. Sue me, I know. You were probably waiting for another update. I suck at this, yes, I know.

But, I decided to let you, my viewers/readers, decide what storyline I should work on next, choosing from of these three that I currently have ongoing:

Two Dads and A Mom? Yes. Just Three Dads? Also Yes.

Fake!Stephen AU

I Have Something To Tell You

Yes, I know it's a heavy choice but honestly I have ideas for all three of them but no motivation to write all three of them, so I am deciding to do a poll here. Please, please comment, because I really enjoy the feedback and I want to know what you, my readers, want.

Thank you guys, gals and nonbinary pals so much for all the support. Peace out! -Roman

Two Dads and A Mom? Yes. Just Three Dads? Also Yes.Where stories live. Discover now