*I Have Something To Tell You (pt 1)

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A/N: Hey guys(gals, and nonbinary pals), Happy New Year! Aaand, it's my sixteenth birthday as of January 12th, 2019!!

I just wanted to make a mini story about Peter and his parents! Also after that last chapter I posted I think we could ALL use a bit of fluff, amirite? Anyway, this story is going to be about Peter coming out as trans FtM to his parents(Tony, Loki and Stephen)! He's currently 15 in this story.
I hope you guys enjoy this story!
Peter looked in the mirror, sighing heavily. He was going to come out to his family today and let them know that he isn't 'Marilyn Amelia', but 'Peter Benjamin' Parker-Stark-Strange-Odinson.

His parents don't know that he'd been wearing the binders his best friends bought him for his fifteenth birthday, nor did they really know the reason why he cut his hair this short. He always wore hoodies and baggy clothes, and had merely said 'Short hair is easier to manage.'

But Peter knew why he cut his hair short, and that he was wearing binders underneath his hoodies and clothes. And soon Tony, Stephen and Loki would know too.

"Jarvis? Are my parents downstairs?"

Peter asked out loud, trying to get the attention of the AI system that went through all of Stark Tower.

"Yes, Marilyn. Your fathers are awake and downstairs."

The AI responded to Peter, and he cringed internally when he heard that name, as he had been as of late. Peter sighed and stepped away from his mirror, and turned towards his bedroom door, not-so-ready to face this Saturday.

"Alright, let's get this bread."

Peter said, with a soft chuckle underneath his breath, as he left his bedroom. Always one for the 'slang', and honestly he spent too much time on Tumblr and Instagram.
"Good morning, my sexy husbands."

Tony pronounced his arrival upstairs in the living room as he came out of his lab. Stephen looked up from his novel, and Loki, who was snuggled up against the sorcerer while he read, looked up as well; they both were smiling but Stephen had a cocked eyebrow.

"Were you up all night last night, Tony?"

Stephen asked with an accusatory tone, and Loki glanced between his husbands as he accidentally let out a soft laugh underneath his breath.

"Maybe. But you were in an alternate dimension for the last two days and didn't come home until five am this morning."

Stark said casually with a cocky smirk, sitting on the love seat across from the couch where the god and the sorcerer were on. Stephen sighed in defeat, while Loki snorted and laughed after Tony was done speaking.

"Touché. But if you were actually asleep, I'd be a pleasant surprise to you right now."

The sorcerer supreme responded with a low chuckle, before leaning to plant a gentle kiss on Loki's head, causing the god to nuzzle up a little bit more against Stephen happily.

"Interrupting and changing the subject. What are we gonna do today? It's Saturday, and I wanna do something fun."

Loki interjected, looking between his two lovers. He was bored, and sometimes he tended to get rather childish when he was bored. And because of the look on Tony's face after he had spoken, Loki had to say:

"And no, not that kind of 'fun'. Well, maybe later. But I wanna do something with Mary today."

The god said, playfully stern. Stephen laughed and shook his head fondly, smiling lovingly towards Loki.

"Alright, alright. Fair enough, love."

Tony said with a mock pout, but he did agree. He wanted to do something with their daughter(remember: they don't know yet!). And maybe just something simple, like maybe just going out for ice cream.

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