*It Was My Fault (Part 3)

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Trigger Warning: I will post this at the beginning of each part. This story will involve the following potential triggers: verbal abuse, physical abuse, anxiety, panic-attacks, self-harm, and 'cheating'.  Also a bit of sex..so this chapter is a bit NSFW. I will try my best to keep ALL of these to a bare minimum, but all of these triggers will have the potential to appear, and I will let you know when these happen and when they stop so you can skip over these parts without missing too much detail. Or at least so you can skip over the worst of it.
October 19th
It's been three days since Loki stepped into Stark Tower, impersonating the Billionaire's lover, Stephen Strange. And his magic has been working effectively: Tony was completely docile, willing to do anything 'Stephen' told him.
With his eyes blue, and the changes gone unnoticed, or if they went noticed they were cleared from Tony's memory, Loki was able to start inflicting his own personality onto 'his Antony'. The god was tired of acting like the gentle and absolute loving sorcerer now, and wanted to just- control Tony further. Break him, even. All while still looking like Stephen Strange.

"Oh dearest Anthony?"

The god called out as he walked into Tony's lab, the latter male working on upgrades for his Iron Man suit and his own technology. Happily looking up and eyes darting towards the door, Tony smiled brightly when he heard 'Stephen' come into the lab. He couldn't place why, but Tony had been feeling off the last couple days, even resorted to isolating himself from everyone, but didn't think much of it.

"Yes, my love?"

The billionaire responded as he stood up, going to hug the taller male. Loki kissed the top of Tony's head gently while wrapping his arms around Stark's waist.

"I want you to come upstairs; you spend so much time down here that it's making me lonely..."

'Stephen' murmured in a sort of pouting way, wanting to have Tony all to himself no matter what. Tony frowned a little bit, looking up at who he thought was his love.

"But- you know I like-"

"But nothing, my dear. I want you upstairs. I don't want you coming down here anymore. Understand?"

The billionaire started to protest, but was interrupted by Loki, in a tone that made the shorter man immediately shut up, and even spark a bit of fear into him.

"Steph...you're scaring me."

Tony whispered softly, glancing down at the ground. Loki let go of him, and reached to cup his cheek lovingly.

"My darling, I never meant to scare you. I can't help this awful energy. But I still hold my ground: I don't want you coming down here anymore. You're causing me to be upset and yearn for you even more."

The god said softly, smiling in a reassuring smile that made it seem like none of it was his own fault, but Tony's. And Tony nodded, the magic fogging up his brain and making him agree to what Loki was saying.

"Okay. I won't come down here anymore.."

Stark said in a somewhat defeated tone, but it was mixed with understanding. Loki's smile changed to one of reassurance to a wicked smile.

"There we go, Anthony. Who is in control?"

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