*It Was My Fault (Part 2)

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Trigger Warning: I will post this at the beginning of each part. This story will involve the following potential triggers: verbal abuse, physical abuse, anxiety, panic-attacks, self-harm, and 'cheating'.  Also a bit of sex..so this chapter is a bit NSFW. I will try my best to keep ALL of these to a bare minimum, but all of these triggers will have the potential to appear, and I will let you know when these happen and when they stop so you can skip over these parts without missing too much detail. Or at least so you can skip over the worst of it.
"Friday, how many days has it been?"

Tony asked as he came downstairs as it turned 11am. He hadn't slept until about 3am and he was tired as hell even after 7 hours of sleep.

"Ten days, sir. But, I believe that he's coming up the front stairs now."

The AI said, informing Tony that 'Stephen' was coming to the front door into the house. It was actually Loki disguised as the wizard. The god's plan was being set in motion. He knew the mannerisms he needed to know: romance, gentle, casual, etc. And he intended on pulling it off.

"What??! He, he's home already? He didn't tell me..he must've wanted to surprise me."

Tony said as he eagerly rushed down the rest of the stairs and to the door, his mood changed almost instantly when he found out his boyfriend was coming home. Little did he know-

"Stephen! You, you're back early!"

The billionaire cried out happily as he opened the door for who he thought was the wizard. Loki put on his act and grinned to Tony, wrapping his arms around him gently; Stark didn't protest, if anything he melted into the taller's hold.

"I've missed you~"

Tony hummed softly, leaning up on his toes to kiss Loki's cheek, beaming up at him. Something rang in the back of Tony's mind, something..off, about 'Stephen'. Could it be his cologne? No...it smelled like the cologne Stephen wore. Tony proceeded ignored the bells going off in his mind. Like something made him ignore it. Something like magic...

"I've missed you too, Tony."

The impostor said, smiling down lovingly at Stark. The two of them went inside, and Tony sighed as he sat down on the sofa with Loki, snuggling up to him happily. Stark oddly felt, docile. Calm. Part of him felt like this was off, like this wasn't actually Stephen, but he continued to ignore that feeling. Stephen was home! Why should he feel worried? There was no reason to be. At least, to Tony anyway.

"Steph? Want to watch a movie?"

Tony asked, looking between his boyfriend and the television. He looked happy; his eyes were shining, and he was smiling brightly. Loki nodded and hummed in content, still not letting go of the smaller male.

"Of course, darling. What movie do you want to watch?"

The supposed sorcerer asked warmly, and Tony lit up even more like a Christmas tree. It was adorable, really.

"Well, since it's October, maybe Nightmare Before Christmas?"

The Iron Man asked, almost in a childish manner. Loki's smile only widened as he reached for the remote for the television.

"Of course my dear."

'Stephen' said before leaning down to peck Tony's lips gently.

"Anything for you."

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