-I'll Kill Him- -No Tony, Dont-

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At the end of the school day, Ned walked with Peter back to Stark tower. His dads had been watching movies or tv all day, cuddling on the couch, occasionally sleeping or getting up to use the restroom. Or make out. But they didn't have sex- perverts. Aaanyway

"Welcome home Peter. Did you have a good day?"

Jarvis greeted Peter as he and Ned walked through the front door of Stark Tower. Peter smiled faintly, as he always enjoyed being greeted by the AI. Even if he didn't have a good day.

"Hello Jarvis. No, not really. Today...kind of sucked."

Peter answered as Tony came into the entrance hall to greet Peter himself, as he heard the system go off from the living room.

"Why did today suck? You didn't get bullied again, did you?"

Tony asked, being a dad™️, as Peter froze and Ned shook his head.

"It was worse."

Ned said softly, glancing to Peter nervously. Tony raised an eyebrow, and the spider-teen tried hard to avoid his father's gaze. The other teenager held his breath, wondering what was going to happen.

"How worse? Like, 'Steve Rogers showed up', worse?"

Oh how Peter wished that Tony wasn't so on the money, but happened often enough that there was an option for how bad his day would go. He sighed and nodded hesitantly, biting his lip as he still didn't make eye contact with Tony.

Reading the signs, Tony widened his eyes and gasped softly, while Ned placed a hand on Peter's shoulder to comfort him. It actually did help, but not too much.

"I'll kill him-"

Tony muttered ruefully, his mood changing from concern to anger in a matter of seconds. Peter shot his head up and shook it; he doesn't want anyone to get hurt.

"Dad, no, please. It- it's okay. I'm fine."

The teenager pleaded, but to no prevail. Even Ned let go of Peter's shoulder to take hold of his hand to hold him back. The billionaire didn't listen to his son, as he was trying to get his husbands downstairs, rushing up the stairs to go to the living room where he was prior to Peter coming home.

"Tony? What's wrong?"

Stephen asked, looking up at Tony as he walked into the living room. Loki had gone to the bedroom as he was tired and wanted to sleep in a bed wrapped in blankets.

"It's Steve. He was at Peter's school again."

Tony said bitterly, sitting next to Stephen, resting his head on his shoulder trying to find comfort right now. He was upset, and hell, even Stephen could see that.

"You're kidding."

The sorcerer said, raising an eyebrow incredulously. He was actually kind of shook.

"Nope. Peter told me."

Tony confirmed, which made Stephen sigh heavily. He knew how upset Tony got when it came to Rogers.

"That's really bad. What else happened?"

The taller asked nervously, wondering what else happened.

"He didn't tell me much about what actually happened except that Steve had come to school."

Tony admitted, shrugging, looking up at Stephen with an irritated look.

"Oh..poor son. How upset is he?"

The sorcerer asked, now worried for their son and how he's doing now. Tony sighed heavily as he prepared to answer.

"He seemed pretty upset when I asked about it. I want to hurt Rogers; nobody hurts my boy."

Tony said fiercely, and Stephen took a hold of Tony's hand to calm him down.

"Tony, you mustn't. Violence won't solve anything."

Stephen said, trying to calm his husband down while still upset. He knew he and Tony were upset but they mustn't fight back. They have to be bigger.

"And? Stephen, Steve Rogers did something to my son. Hell, he could've called him by his dead name for fuck's sake."

Tony said, his anger rising as he spoke. He stood up and started to pace, wanting to go down to the lab to stress-work.

"I want to kill him."

Tony murmured after a moment of angry silence.

"No you don't, Tony. Come. Let's go downstairs."

Stephen said reassuringly, wanting his husband to calm down before they confronted the topic of this. Tony agreed, and they went downstairs to his lab where Stephen could watch Tony work.

Two Dads and A Mom? Yes. Just Three Dads? Also Yes.Where stories live. Discover now