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That word was the perfect epitome of beauty and awe


For me was a pit of darkness

Life -

- was sweet for everyone I knew

But for me it was a bitter medicine

Everyone said it was a priceless gift

I said it was an obligatory hell

Everyone I knew loved life

I hated it with every cell in me

Nobody wanted to lose life

I would do absolutely anything to throw it away


Life -

Was a torture for me

It always ripped me apart

It always tore my soul to shreds

It always from time to time pierce a pike of ' rejection'

Through my bleeding heart

That throbbed in severe pain

Life -

Hated me

It despised me

It rejected me

It exempted me of creations

It told me I wasn't special

It told me I never belong here

It never accepted me

Life -

Loved playing games with me

It loved watching me bleed

And cry out in pain

My tears fuels it torture

Life -

Took things from me

Things I'd never get back

Things it knew would kill me

Life -

Threw me in darkness

It catapulted me out of happiness and sanity

It dragged me to a world of -

Excruciating pain

Everlasting aches

Eternal sleep

It always waited patiently to see me crumble in fear

Ever so happy to see my bleeding heart

Love the beat of its throbs

My Papa always said

"You get from Life what you become."

He also said "Life was a video game of obstacles and challenges that reveals who we are, our abilities and helps us become a better and stronger person."

He said "The easier you are on yourself the harder life becomes."

"Life wants a competitor, an indefatigable person, a fighter. To pass through Life, be all these things."

I tried -

I tried so hard

Very hard

To fight Life

Monica. (When Life Takes A Wrong Turn Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now