Chapter 4 (pt 1) Someone like me.

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A sentence was stuck in my head:

Nicholas has anger issues!

I had been distracted all day in classes with this sentence, other thoughts like what I had done to Pondy who by the way was still crying ditching classes, Alice who was probably still too upset to text or check up on me, and the creepy nanny I would go home to in minutes, had all been frozen off.

Picking books sluggishly on purpose to avoid going home on time to a spooky woman, my eyes darted off to a boy in the hallway.

Staring at the boy who was five lockers away reminded me of the calamitous scene that took place in Pivic, Kylie had ended up getting the other people who escaped and had tortured them so severely that by the time first period was over half the school was hospitalized and the other half was stuck in library, bathrooms and empty classes crying out their eyes.

I stared wretchedly at the boy whose face was covered in bruises and had a black eye as well as a dangling dislocated shoulder, but to be sincere his condition was much better than other students, teachers, cooks and other staffs especially those who got a ticket to Kylie's office, according to rumour those in her office were never coming out.

Getting those notes I had assignments on, I slammed my locker, hung a strap of my bag on my shoulder and walked lazily to the library wanting to spend my whole afternoon there than being with nanny.

Passing by the hallway that was chiming with various sounds made by the students who were all worn out their body decorated in a frightened pattern and colour, still walking I noticed how quiet all students had been today everybody had been too tired and sad to play even teachers were tired to teach, but the principal wasn't tired to receive tuition fee. I took a left turn to meet swollen bloodshot eyes.

Recognizing those eyes I gasped placing my hands on my chest as I moved closer to Pondy. "Hey!"

Placing my arms around her, she gave a weak smile. "Hey Monica."

"You ditched all the classes today, I was really worried," Placing a hand under her chin I stared worriedly at my beauteous friend. "Are you okay?"

"I'm good," She paused taking a deep breath to prevent approaching tears. Calming, she turned to me taking a step backward. "I am feeling sick, so I'll just head home." At the sound of her words my heart ripped apart as various spears and arrows sank through it making guilt soar high in me.

I took in a deep breath. "Pondy I am really sorry for not defending you before Kylie, I am a horrible friend and you deserve —" I was planning to say more, much more before she interrupted me.

"Don't say that, " She moved forward reaching out for my hand. "you are a very good person and you are my only friend, I understand why you didn't stand up to Kylie and I'm not worried about that, " Her hands wrapped around mine gave me a kind of warmth I needed.  "don't feel bad over nothing you did wrong." I gave a weak smile as she stepped backwards tightening the straps of her bag. "I have to go now, my mom is waiting outside to take me to a clinic—"

"Is it that severe?!" I widened my eyes at her, feeling terrible for effectuating her pain.

Giving another smile she shook her head. "No it's not, I'll be fine. See you tomorrow." Giving a last smile she waved off.

Her action and words did sound soothing but they were ephemeral, the moment she walked away the words turned into two edged swords and sliced the living daylight out of me.

I spun around walking to the library feeling my self-hatred rise to a whole new level even though she seemed okay with what I did didn't mean that I did the right thing, I was supposed to be a better person I was suppose to have her back but I was a liability to everyone I was always instigating pain to people I was suppose to care about, I mean take a look at Alice and at everyone around me their lives were the testament to the fact that I was a poison to people's happiness.

Monica. (When Life Takes A Wrong Turn Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now