Chapter 10: Betrayed.

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Three things happened: My device died and couldn't be resurrected, I didn’t back my stories up and I lost all of them including the ones I had written in advance.

It took a while to get a new device and start all over again, add that with school and life and you’ve got me depressed and sad things turned ugly and that’s why I didn’t post last week, I am sorry and I hope you understand.


Now, I think I understood situations that make people say they want reality to be a movie or except a prank to be pulled on them on a hidden camera or think they are seeing the wrong things, cause right now I was feeling all those things and one extra massive one which was a wish for a bomb to fall in Pivic and wipe it from history.

These feelings kept increasing as I watched the Ks waltz into our haven causing Pondy and I to scurry behind the shelf in fear as they stood opposite us their arms folded and their faces merged in extreme anger making my fingers both cold and hot, my body icy like I was a frozen sculpture and to say my heart was racing was an understatement cause I felt my heart abandoned me to face their wraths on my own with a frightened, weak Pondy to protect.

I watched each of their faces carefully like I would be writing essays on them their looks made my intestines feed on itself, but when I noticed their queen bee was missing I sighed from relief but still I was terrified, one of them was capable of so much damage and a situation where six of them were present was like the devil himself present at a little girl’s birthday party.

The replacement of Kylie, a servant had her face on one of them who suddenly gave a weird smile that made Pondy and I shiver, the girl who smiled had her skirt shorter than the normal length allowed by the school and her makeup was fierce, her braids were dangling as she motioned towards us in slow weird movements that was blood–curdling.

She paused in the middle gave a glance at Pondy and I, sighting our fear she smirked and then a thick almost masculine voice used in cartoons for evil characters was heard from her. “Woe to those named Monica Jackson cause their lives will be cut short,” Those words brought an awful memory that nearly made me puke. Sensing this she gave a weird giggle that was filled with severe venom that my ears shut themselves off. “you know sis, we have to hand it to Kylie for being so good at picking words that can kill a person faster that weapons.” 

Her heavy lashes pointed at another girl who looked exactly like her, the girl also gave a bright smile and moved closer to the other one in a rather slow terrifying steps that was the exact way lions walk when calculating places to attack their prey and then it hit me, they were the twins I’ve heard about, Keji and Kanyi.

“Right sis, cause those words pissed her off that she ditched class to spend time with—” The one called into the conversation had a calm face that became fiercer and fiercer by the minutes as she peered at Pondy who was shaking so hard her teeth were clattering.

“Whoa!” They both yodelled in perfect harmony it was hard to tell they created that sound. “Pondy Daniels?!” The one who spoke earlier still had her eyes peered. “Am I seeing the right thing?”

The one with braids gave a little chuckle that made our veins dry up. “Wow, how amazing people change, who could have thought Pondy could miss a class?”

Her twin gave me a look. “Well, it was predictable if you ask me cause since she met Monica here who is a rebel she has never been the same.” She winked. “Bad association spoils useful habits.”

The one with braids supported. “Yeah it does and losers always make friends with their type.” She scanned her eyes at each of us, with a twitch of a smile on her lips she moved closer towards Pondy like she wanted to kiss my frightened friend, inches separated their faces as the creepy girl smiled at fearful Pondy.

Monica. (When Life Takes A Wrong Turn Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now