Chapter 12 (pt 2): Devil In Disguise.

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Imagine a human with a heart as dark as a cave, so misty and caliginous that the nothingness of it can trap people there for all eternity as it manacles them to pain and bring them to tears.

Now, imagine that cave heated up with fire, a type of heat caused from betrayal, pain and agony. Every anguish the soul felt, the fire mutated till it exploded and blinded the human. The fire killed every good thing in her heart, it blinded her from right and wrong and gave her the strength to be capable of anything and everything.

That human was me.

That fire and explosion was Nick's betrayal.

That darkness was who I was before he betrayed me.

And now, I was more than a depressed teenage girl who happened to be weak, broken and tired of living. I was a ticking bomb waiting to explode, I was a blade twirling around seeking to slice any human to the deepest part of their soul where death will be impotent to them. I was a deadly toxin spreading through the community only to destroy and kill.

All I was now was due to one person's betrayal, was due to one person's action. A person I had trusted and despite all odds against me, despite my past pains and anguish I had given a chance and had opened the gateways to my heart to. That person I had considered a friend and had told a vital piece of who I was, that perfect human that was genial and kind, always there for me that perfect soul was my reason for being everyone's ideal nightmare.

That video I had seen of the person I believed was my friend had shattered me apart, like a glass my heart had broken to tiny shards and each shard had risen up and struck me till I was close to dying.

Those things I'd seen from that video haunted me, they slowly drove me down a lonely misty tunnel orchestrated for heartbroken people like me. His words, eyes and unscrupulous acts clouded my grey world into darker shades of black.

Disbelief had washed through me at first, then fear took over.
Despair had been the land on which anguish had been planted on, hatred had been the water on anguish. Horror had been the butterflies to perch on anguish, disgust had been the sun that fed my flower of anguish. Indignation had made my flower grow and at the end it had blossomed... Anger.

I was furious at Nick I was really upset with him, to be honest I was upset at anything and everything in the universe but mostly I detested myself. I had been so infuriated after watching that video, my ears were erupting steams when I ran out of the hall on a quest for Nick not sighting any resemblance of him on the school's premises I had ran to the bathroom and had locked the door ignoring Angel and Pondy's pleas for me to let them in.

In the bathroom, I had stripped off my bravery and confidence. I had torn apart my skin, I had peeled up my self discipline, I had vomited the lies I had been shoving down my throat over these past weeks. I had come real and had sought what I wanted the most, in the middle of those pulling, destroying and yanking of those whitish part of my soul what I found in the middle of my heart, in the belly of my soul was a tiny flame — a tiny flame that had grown so big to an entire ocean of fire, so gigantic that I had been consumed in that fire of vengeance.

And that was it, revenge was what I wanted what I badly yearned for. It was ringing in my head through the last classes of yesterday, it was feeding me with reasons —on why he deserved pain for his actions— and choking me with acrimony it was filling my belly after school yesterday and I had stayed in the gym boxing till early this morning.

It kept me on track, it kept me focused, it was a toxin in my blood, it was ever present it never left me. It's pressure never loosened even when Alice was speaking of her workplace and what had happened at her sleepover, that fire was in me keeping me determined to my goal.

Monica. (When Life Takes A Wrong Turn Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now