Chapter 9: Running on a single spot.

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I was standing before Pivic with various thoughts tangled up as they each threatened for horrible results if I didn't get rid of them.

If it weren't for the words Nick told me yesterday I wouldn't bother to wake up this morning much more think of coming to school. Yesterday during our outing, I had been stressed out and Nick had seen that he had told me not to bother about it and to just relax; he had said it was nice that I knew I would die soon because it would give me time to spend every second of mine living life to the fullest; he had also offered to help make me forget my problems.

That was my asinine reason for believing I could ignore the school and the psychotic witch who was coming for me. So I had organized a plan of action that would help me survive Pivic.

Staring down at the script in my hands with my heart racing and my body trembling I let out a deep sigh. First, I was to have something distracting me the whole time, second I was to find Nick who promised to help and third I would keep my buds in my ears for as long as I could.

With all this checked except for number one, which was to get something large enough to occupy my mind so I wouldn't focus on the reality that was the part of the reason I was standing in front of the school like a lost sheep while other kids stared at me as they walked in.

Come on Monica there has to be something you can think of that would help.

Ugh! The only thing that can help is if I feign an illness and went home.

You seriously want to look weak before Nicholas again?

Of course not!

Good, you were never the one who backed away from situations. So why now?

Right, I will think of the perfect distraction.

Placing my hand under my chin I pondered losing the urge of running home.

What about yesterday's outing?

That wouldn't work because it was super boring to have my fears kill me while I watched Pondy deep her head in ice cream, the only time I had smiled or felt relaxed was after Nick gave me his advice and minutes later he was gone. So that was horrible.

What about this morning with Alice?

I groaned at that idea because it was impossible, there was nothing fun at staring at one's aunt gossip like a teenager on the phone while she plotted on how to make someone's life so miserable he would rather jump into a volcano than live in the same world as her.

What about earlier?

That was nonsense too it was-

Wait, early this morning was my time with Nanny as we prepared breakfast to prevent my mind from withering from fear and trepidation. Our conversation had been brief and normal until she had mentioned she had a daughter.

We had been talking about Alice's overreaction and she had said: "I totally understand Alice, it's also scary for me to watch my daughter go out with her male friends though I trust her."

I had frowned confusedly at her words. "You have a daughter?" I had been really surprised and still was.

She had emitted a smile that brought the light the chandeliers scintillated to shame. "Yes, her name's Brenda."

"Brenda?" I had asked absolutely perplexed.

"Yes, she's the same age as you and she loves making friends with boys alone." She had spoken. "According to her girls are too dramatic and boys can be overly playful but they were much better.

Monica. (When Life Takes A Wrong Turn Series #1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon