Chapter 2 (pt 4) Heaven on earth.

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Merry Christmas 🎄 readers. 🌙 *

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🎁Merry Christmas💝
Santa is coming!

I dedicate this chapter to LauraBott97 she's an angel.


Today qualified as one of the worst days of my life.

Or as Alice would describe her situations with a style that showed her addiction to sweets, I had ended up with a cake of dilemma following Alice's amazing recipe.

My baking pan of confusion was carved yesterday after leaving the dinning hall with an empty stomach, the classes I had were boring, I couldn't concentrate on a word the teachers were saying because of my growling stomach and I was still getting glared at by my spooky classmates.

Mixing the flour of exasperation was after school when I went to happy Rhoda who had given me my way too big uniform, ID card and locker keys.

Adding a cup of milk along with disastrous anger was having to walk home after school due to my fear of strangers. Arriving home to listen to Alice's good news which was bad news to my ears.

"I was thinking that I should hire a nanny." She had said during dinner.

I had coughed out water, staring at her smiley face. "Why?"

"Well, I know you, and I know you hide so many things. So since I'm always busy and I don't want you to be too depressed enough to commit suicide, I thought of hiring a person that would take great care of you." She had been so boisterous with her idea.

"Yesterday I told one of my colleagues at work I was in search of a nanny, she said she knows a woman, so today I would meet her and if she's perfect enough, it means you'll get a new friend!" She had whooped clapping her hands like a child.

I had gaped at her wondering what to do for her to get the part that I had a phobia of strangers, trusted no one and preferred staying all by myself.

Since I had agreed to her idea she had talked about her friend at work, Olamide.

Adding the eggs and butter of heart aches, was my terrifying nightmare of being naked in front of the whole school as they chased me with weapons in their hands.

Adding more to my cake of dilemma was beating the batter of pain, this morning at breakfast Alice couldn't keep mute about the nanny, she said she would meet the woman today and might have an interview with her tomorrow in my presence, before the woman started.

Placing my pan in the oven of an erupting volcano, was my baggy uniform that looked terrible on me, I wasn't too curvy for the white blouse to hug me. And the skirt? Could fit an elephant. Even after slim -fitting it, it still looked like an hand-me-down from my great-grandmother. I was the only student whose uniform looked horrible.

Adding my red frosting of severe anger on my burnt cake, was me still afraid to board a bus so I had chickened out and trekked to school, thereby missing two periods and the morning assembly. Not only that, but I also didn't get to recite Mr Raccoq's rules or learn it.

Now decorating my cake with tears and blood from a bleeding heart, was when Mr Raccoq who had been really furious, when he found out I didn't learn his rules, he had asked for my math note, sighting my blank math note which I was suppose to be copying the man had dragged me to the principal who had let me go because I was still new.

Slicing my cake of dilemma, was when Mr Raccoq had took laws in his hands and had created an emergency assembly he had dragged me in front of the school to punish me mostly because I'd mistakenly called him Mr Raccoon.
I never knew it was Raccoq. Man, the man's head had caught on fire.

Monica. (When Life Takes A Wrong Turn Series #1)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα