Chapter 12 (pt 1): Exposed

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"-you can both study together, sleep together, play games and have fun!-" Here I was trapped in a car with my nanny, who was animated as she spoke to me about her daughter, who would be coming in a matter of days.

To say I was happy about the girl coming was a massive lie. After my conversation with Nanny last night, I had been mentally fatigued, so I had gone to my room to write more poems, most of which consisted of my hostile feelings towards the girl.

Nanny had been telling me about her daughter since early this morning, talking on and on about her likes, dislikes and behavior. Having to listen to all of that had made me vexed at everything.

I couldn't pinpoint the main reason why I didn't want Brenda to come, something in me just truly detested that idea. Last night I had tried applying Nanny's advice to help my situation but still, I had nothing, and that was infuriating.

"-She loves games, by the way, especially monopoly. Also, she is intelligent when it comes to studying. She sometimes stay awake for days reading, and since you sort of have issues with that, she can help you!-" Nanny's eyes were glowing with love and joy, exactly the opposite of mine. She was indeed ecstatic about her daughter, and it showed through everything she did. Having to witness it all was like being trapped in a tidepool of misery.

"By the way, don't trust her when it comes to food, she eats a lot, and that is always a big shock to everyone!-" Nanny went on and on, blind to the anguish and suffering I was experiencing.

Yesterday, after writing another set of poems which contained my raw emotions of anger, I had realized that I wasn't being fair. Brenda, according to Mrs. McCormick was undergoing constant maltreatment and torture, Mrs. McCormick had told me that the girl would sometimes be left unfed for days. "Sometimes I would visit her to find marks and wounds on her skin. Those marks and pain I see on her face are like toxins to my blood, and I just can't reason with my friend or else she might be thrown out." Nanny had told me yesterday, before I went to sleep.

"She always told me not to worry whenever I weeped at how thin or sickly she seems. She always believes everything is going to be fine, and when I told her I couldn't send her to school, she had understood. Ever since, she's been borrowing textbooks from different places to study on her own -" Nanny had whispered, her eyes a waterfall of tears.

After listening to all these sad stories of what the girl was going through, and how Nanny was feeling, I wasn't supposed to be upset or exasperated at Brenda. The fact that I was just showed that I had no heart. If Alice and Olamide, who were always running from anything emotional, could feel the girl's pain, then I must've indeed been inhuman.

"-Brenda has a heavenly voice and can sing better than an angel, and since you write poems, you can both have a great time sharing your talents!-" She had a huge smile that displayed her pearly teeth, her smile complimenting her eyes, which illuminated and transfigured her face into that of an angel's.

I sighed. I really would have loved it if Alice had at least warned me about this, it would have been better than surprising me, and adding to my worries.

She took a left turn, and I could see my school, along with several students going in lifelessly with their friends or parents, while a few walked in alone.

I sighed, feeling a heavy weight on my shoulders. It was time for school, and I was going to have to work, write notes, do classwork and much more while these words and moods stayed ensnared within me.

" -Alice has no idea how much she made me happy, and I can't wait to tell Brenda about this!-" She chirped, bringing the car to a halt. Her words reminded me of how she had cried joyfully yesterday as she prayed for Alice.

Monica. (When Life Takes A Wrong Turn Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now