Chapter 14: Freak.

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WARNING: This chapter is the longest in this book, so I'd advise you to sit back, relax and get some snacks as you read.


Rays of sunlight flashed into my room, clearing and taking off the night's looming darkness, relinquishing smiles of blithe to my room as it forces the doors and windows of my room open to the morning's beauty and the glorious birds whose amazing melodies was lingering around me. Their harmonizing melodies filled the air causing the breeze to lose its direction as it sent the curtains and my hair tangoing in blitheness.

It was an insult to mother nature that the human encompassed with this amazing works of creation wasn't entertained and appreciative of them. The musical notes flying around, the rays of light and the curtains misbehaving couldn't make me smile, jump in the air delightedly, or make me blissful to be alive as I stared at the mirror brushing my hair to get prep for the day.

I couldn't be absorbed in the enchanting scene around me cause for some unknown reason my mind was enwrapped on yesterday's events it refused to adapt to today instead it kept picking scenes from yesterday and was mostly selecting the ones that involved Nick.

Mostly, it kept picking one particular scene, it kept replaying the time I had said I would put an end to him and break him till he was nothing. My mind didn't just torture me by reminding me of my words, it also reminded me of Nick's eyes and the pain in them when I had spoken those words to him. For some reasons which remained unknown to me my mind was getting to me so bad as to want to mess with my decision.

My mind could try to keep me stuck in the past and want to twist me to redefined what I found peevish with people. But it's options wasn't strong enough to change how I felt about being deluded. My hatred for people who deceive others and make themselves a puzzle game by creating mirages and forcing it down people's mind was way stronger.

Frankly, my mind could drive me insane, so insane as to learn how to forgive or to start trusting people easily. But it would never make me forgive or trust someone like Nick. Someone who had let me figure out there was more to them than what I thought or was told. Someone who had hid themselves underneath a veil all these while. Someone who had painted the perfect image of themselves and had forced me to believe they were the good type than a work of horror I couldn't have possibly picture in my wildest dreams.

Forgiving Nick and letting him go was among the zillions of the impossible things on this planet. Most of my childhood friends could write a million word review on how I never forgave and revenged on the littlest things they did to me. The most painful thing a friend had ever done to me when I was a child was ripped a button off my blouse and in return I ripped a great deal of her flesh. I've always stricken anyone who hurt me ever since I saw for myself how treacherous the world could be. So it was utterly impossible for Nick to flee from this whirlpool unscathed.

To show how demonic and sadistic I was, I spent hours last night searching on the thousands of ways to slaughter a person. If there was one thing I'll do on this Earth before I die would be to stay true to my words and put him to an end.

Sighing, I sagged my shoulders taking a glance at my outfit in the mirror. I needed to change my trashy clothes to something presentable and colourful but I wouldn't, because I knew today was going to be the exact opposite of colourful, today was going to be gloomy, caliginous and will mark the beginning of the years of misery lurking around me.

Yesterday had gotten a nomination for the worst day of my life. After my second encounter with Nick I had gotten home to find Nanny cooking joyously, she had been so mirthful as if someone had bought her a present. After some suspense she had told me Alice had managed to prepare everything faster than expected for Brenda's arrival. She had literally cried from excitement when she said Brenda would be moving in today and would resume school with me on Monday.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2019 ⏰

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