Chapter 3 (pt 1) Distractions.

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Memories in form of nightmares kept haunting me down since last night.

I actually felt real pain when these memories attack, my head kept buzzing and kept shrinking itself, my veins hurts like someone was preventing the blood from flowing.

My heart hurts more, it felt like someone was tattooing my heart with my previous experience in order to make a perfect scar of darkness.

I couldn't sleep a wink last night, I kept wheezing in pain as the memories kept coming on their own refusing to leave.

They kept binding their arms around me not wanting to leave, they took over my sight replaying that awful day over and over again, my ears kept hearing only things from that day and it was like I was trapped in the past, trapped in that awful day with no way to break free.

I needed help, I needed someone to wrap their arms around me and give me the strength to fight all this, cause I seriously lack what it took.

Not wanting to disturb Alice last night, I seek distractions through movies, music, novels, pictures... But nothing helped I kept seeing those images, I was present in body but never in soul.

Now standing in the middle of the kitchen with my head aching badly due to sleepless night, my heart bleeding from my tattooed scars, my life fading, I pretended to be fine for Alice.

Getting the mug from the microwave, I added milk, milo and sugar to the mug. Still feeling those aches around my body I went to the toaster oven to get out  warm toasts.

Moving to the dinning with Alice behind me hugging her chocolate ice cream bowl.

Sitting down I placed my breakfast in front of me my eyes not seeing anything but darkness, and the buzzing sound at the back of my head started giving the prognosis of an earthquake coming. 

Life had decided to hurt me once more by darkening my heart and slowly piercing my heart with dangerous objects, I would die from any moment.

Slowly those memories came wanting me to scream and curl up into a ball crying my heart out. Not wanting Alice to see this I looked down pretending I was studying my meal.

My eyes closed as my internal bleeding continued, it took a great deal of work not to cry or scream, I was slowly getting insane. I was becoming a person with severe mental issues that needed to be locked up in a psychiatric hospital.

" — I was sad when she called and bailed out, " She went on, on how the nanny bailed out yesterday with the promise of coming today and the apologies of having to do something really important.

Having this strong feeling like something vanished from me, I looked up and could see her face, the darkness disappeared and so did the remaining pains.


Normally nothing could stop these memories from going, I experimented all night and nothing worked.

"Well as long as she would come today that would make up for that. " I took a glance at my aunt who was licking her spoon, still surprised at how quickly the memories faded due to Alice's voice.

"You seem sleepy, did you sleep well last night? " She looked worried.

Not wanting to stress her, I gave a small smile. "Was reading for a morning test. " I lied through my teeth.


First I didn't want to hurt her and second something happened to her last night too, just like me she couldn't sleep and was up all night eating sugar. But I didn't know what and I knew she wouldn't tell me.

Monica. (When Life Takes A Wrong Turn Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now