Chapter 6: Fate has its ways.

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Blood pounding ears, veins bulging out, eyes changing to crimson red, claws erupting from fingers, fangs appearing from teeth dragging in an angry snarl, contributing to the weight of an anger that could rip anyone apart just by a touch. "You did what?!" I blustered angrily.

The fragile woman swallowed as she stared at the heartless monster before her. "I-i-i-i- re-re-re-rea-read—" She stuttered in an annoying way.

The anger I felt soared to a higher level as more menacing steps towards the terrified woman were taken. "Who told you to read it?!" I shrilled.

"No-nob-nobody, I want-wanted to he-help y-yo-you." She pointed at me.

Taking more steps forward wanting badly to rip her to shreds I yelled, furious by her words. "Help?! Who told you I needed help?!"

"I-i-i guessed because yo-you're always pushing pe-people a-away so I was curious—"

"You were curious?! And how's my life your business?!" My fists were clenched ready to feed the woman with pain, and my anger was getting to that point where control seemed like a foreign word.

The woman who seemed apprehensive earlier was flustered by my words, in seconds her face became hot and the fear she felt was casted and replaced with anger."It is my business and I wanted to help you—" She stated this time valorously before I interjected.

"Wanted to help?! And how did you go about that, huh?!" I took another step closer my heart eating out with the great hostility I felt for nanny. "By invading my privacy in an outrageous prohibited way!" I pointed at my diary vehemently. "You read my diary! That's a crime on it's own, you illite —"

I was stupefied when she took a step towards me with her arms folded. "Before you say something that'll make this situation worse, remember perfectly well that I did it only because I wanted to help you —" She pointed at me her words exclaiming her rising annoyance.

My face reddened making me lose my tongue. Is she defending her actions?! Is she claiming she did the right thing?!

Getting over my shock I glared at her, speaking with venom as I took more steps towards her. "Your job here is to cook, clean and mind your own business not stick your nose into my life!—" I shrieked maniacally with my body getting shaky.

She interrupted moving closer, so much closer she got into my face and I was like a ticking bomb waiting to explode. "My job here is also to be your confidante, help you out with your problems and how can I help you if you don't let me in!—"

"Has it ever occurred to you that I have trust issues?! You wait for people to trust you not force your way into their hearts! And how can I trust you when I hardly know anything about you?! You've just been one creepy woman who wants to know exactly what is going on in my life!" I tucked a strand of my hair behind my left ear with shaky hands.

"If it were up to me, my aunt wouldn't have hired you in the first place! And if she could listen to me now I would tell her to fire you! So get that the only reason why you're here is for Alice's sake and the only person who wants you here is Alice! From now on just ignore me and don't butt in my issues!" I bellowed, getting exacerbated by the passing seconds and I was tempted to claw away her face.

"As from now on, don't ever step foot in my room! Or come close to me! And if you disobey, anything that happens to you is your own fault and should be accepted quietly! Did you get that?" Not caring if I sounded insolent to the woman who was muted as she stared at me befuddled by my words.

It was a wonder an earthquake didn't happen despite all the tension i had caused from the fury i felt.

I was so close to moving a finger her way which will result to having to call the ambulance. She had discovered a piece of my rancorous past. An important piece of my past. My top one secret.

Monica. (When Life Takes A Wrong Turn Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now