Chapter 8: Doomed.

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Hi guys I think you deserve to know that Alice and her crazy friend are in this chapter!!!! 



Kylie's coming for me.

Sitting in the dinning room with my fingers frozen and my body hot with that threatening thought rang over and over again in my head, I flipped a page of my textbook pretending to be working to prevent Alice who was sitting three chairs away from noticing my fear. 

Earlier today my friends had told me something that was severe enough to drive me to the graveyard. That Kylie the most acrimonious person I’d ever met in my life and the deadliest was coming to get me made my heart flutter. 

Pondy had said it was like being thrown to the devil. This wasn’t right or fair, I’d done nothing to anger Kylie, why would she be coming for me briskly with as much animosity that could ignite the world to a crisp? 

It didn’t matter if it made little sense; she was coming for me and that was threatening and nightmarish.What in the world have I gotten myself In?

I knew I had wanted her to come get me to free the surrounding people from the shackles of pain they were too blind to see that I was, but I for one didn’t expect it to be so soon and unanticipated. 

Today in school kids had given me presents, some bought cards and snacks for me to plead to God when I get to heaven to answer their prayers faster. To see the entire school afraid for me and certain of my death only proved that I was doomed. 

Since they had been told that Kylie was coming for me I had been a frozen statue, my feet had been cold and my fingertips and my whole body was hot, burning like I was about to get sick. That made me terrified and overly alert of my surroundings as I expected Kylie to fly through the windows show up with a gun or run me over. I was so afraid that I dreaded being alone, and that was why I was sitting here instead of my room. 

Flipping the next page with shaky hands I was deaf to Alice and Olamide who were making a noise as they plotted their schemes and the nanny who was banging things in the kitchen. 

I flipped another page, my hand shaky and my eyes blinded to those words written on the texts. I wiped a shaky frozen hand across my forehead envisioning Kylie behind me. 

“Monica?!” At the loud sound my pen fell, my heart flew to another galaxy rejecting my body, my eyes enlarged, my temperature soared as chills filled my spine along with images of Kylie, nictating I stared at Alice who was laughing at something Olamide had said. 

Swallowing I tried calling my racing heart to a stop. Alice glanced at me. “What’s wrong?”

 "Nothing." I whispered with a croaky voice. 

Olamide whose face was coated in makeup asked. “Then why do you look all nervous?”

Alice questioned. “Did you write a test?”

“Or failed a test?” Added Olamide. 

Hating the interrogations, I responded "No."

 “Then what happened?” Asked Alice who was scrutinizing me. 

I gave a small smile to illuminate my face. “Nothing, just confused with the assignments."

Alice relaxed then said. “You can always go early tomorrow to copy from your classmates,” I tried giving a smile which I was sure would be a grimace. 

Olamide chimed in. “I did that throughout school and passed so it really works." She winked. 

Alice returned her eyes to mine. “Can you please get me a bottle of water?”

Monica. (When Life Takes A Wrong Turn Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now