Chapter 11 (pt 1): Greatest Mistake.

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  Has anyone in history felt so uninterested in life that they no longer care about their future, goals, dreams or anything else?

Standing before my locker staring at about fifteen notebooks loaded with assignments which everyone had done but me because I just didn't care. I’d rather sit on a chair staring in space than doing assignments, staring at the notes with my eyes half closed I doubted if there was any way I could get better or get worse.

Knowing I ought to borrow notes and copy answers I still felt reluctant. I didn't want to do anything or even think a thought through.

Yesterday after being tortured by the new student's endless talking in every class I had attended, I didn't listen to a word. And when others were writing, I was staring at a spot on my desk, while others were answering questions, I was close to dozing off and while others were doing assignments, I was in the bathtub with my eyes on the ceiling as I laid there like a corpse till the next morning which was today.

I rubbed the dark circles under my eyes and suppressed a yawn as I folded my arms staring at those notes piled up and I wondered how life could get any worse.

Shutting the locker I leaned against it staring at a spot on the ground not failing to notice how everyone's attention was on me as they expected me to faint, cry or run out again, some even positioned themselves closer in case I showed any signs of fatigue and I knew by now half the country would have heard my story. Yesterday while I waited for the nanny, a girl who had been attending another school which was miles away from Pivic had asked if my name was Monica, the girl had said she heard what was going on in my life with Kylie, it even turned out the girl knew more about me than I did myself.

I heaved a sigh that made most students in the hallway move much closer as they stared at me like they expected something any moment but I just ignored them.

I didn't feel like going to any of my classes or anywhere. I just wanted to lock myself in the bathroom and stay there till it was break time and then I can ditch school, find somewhere to hang and wait for three o'clock before I went home to Nanny who would believe everything was fine.

I yawned, picked up my bag and headed for the bathroom, the students around me halted as they stared at me in surprise as if they expected me to fall or realize my feet were wobbly and made of jelly. But then my feet did feel like jelly when I spotted a set of familiar dark eyes from the distance and those radiant skin and from where I stood I could perceive his scent, Nick.

Sighting that face that was the reason for my pain and heartache a spark of anger flashed through me and from that spark came several and the next thing I knew an explosion had happened in my mind. It was like those sparks resurrected me and freed me from the cage of death, the next thing I noticed myself doing was running towards Nick in a very aggressive way the exact way a beast runs to its prey.

The hall spread apart in amazement as they caught sight of the anger I was coming with at the sight of my flying hair which was like vipers in the air and at the sight of my swift movement and the snarls from under my breath the hallway filled with students stared in shock.

At the sound of my feet, Nick turned to look at me and in a swift second a bang vibrated through the room when I shut his locker. He was lucky enough to have his head out before I squished it with the locker door, and before everyone could comprehend what just happened, I sent a heavy punch that exploded through the room and everyone gasped in shock as they watched my victim swayed backward while I followed in quick movements. Dropping my bag as I roared angrily my body craving from the feeling of being superior the feeling of having the higher hand of sending pain rather than receiving it from being the hunter than the hunted and the next thing I did was grab him by his collar and slammed him in the lockers that clattered in an ear-deafening sound...

Monica. (When Life Takes A Wrong Turn Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now