Chapter eleven

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"One of the best moments in any friendship is when you get so close to someone, that even the silence between the two of you is comfortable."



Over the past three weeks, I've gotten closer to the few friends I have, especially Kyle. He is the reason I look forward to every day. I've had deeper conversations with him than I've had with Star, May, and Jill combined.

It's been more than a month since we've started this group therapy. I feel like I've been getting better mentally, and I feel... okay. Even though Oliver and Megan disturb our peaceful session with their constant bickering, I've learned to get used to it, we all did. On rare occasions, it even becomes the highlight of our day. I've also learned that journals really do help a lot, so I always write down my thoughts and feelings.

I've seen the change in me since I joined the group. Little by little, I'm healing. I know I am. It felt impossible a month ago and I would never have imagined myself saying this, but I don't resent my life anymore.

It's a cold Wednesday morning. We're all gathered around in the circle, waiting for Shelley.

"Does anyone know the date?" Megan asks suddenly.

Oliver looks up and stares at her with a curious look. "Why do you wanna know?"

"I think it's my... birthday," she mumbles.

"What? Seriously?" Oliver questions with wide eyes.

"Don't make it a big deal." She gives him the side-eye.

"It is a big deal. It's supposed to be your special day, and I-" he proudly points at himself. "-will make sure of it."

"You're being so dramatic." Megan rolls her eyes but can't stop herself from smiling.

"Let's start by singing you a song." He grins.

"Ollie, stop. Seriously," she warns with a dangerous tone.

"C'mon Meg, you know you want me to." He wiggles his eyebrows.

"First of all, I thought I told you to stop calling me that. And secondly, don't even think about singing annoying birthday songs, or you'll regret it. I'll shove a stick down your throat before you even--"

"Woah, easy there Meg. Those threats are a bit too harsh. You're officially an adult now, so you might as well start acting like it." He smirks.

"Wow, I'm blown away, genius. If I wanted to kill myself I'd climb your ego and jump to your IQ," she mutters, earning a chuckle from the rest of us.

"Good one, but I'm not letting this go easily." He chuckles before turning to us.

"What do you guys say? Shouldn't we celebrate?"

"So you're asking for our opinion now? Wow," Lilly mutters.

To be honest, I too am surprised that he tried to make us feel included.

The clicking sound of high heels echoes off the walls as Shelley walks into the room. "Good morning. I can feel the positive energy today. You guys seem to be in a good mood." She beams, taking her seat.

"It's Meg's birthday," Oliver blurts out.

"Really? Happy birthday!"

"Thanks, " Megan mutters.

I can't help but remember my seventeenth birthday, which was the very last time I celebrated with my parents.

My mom baked her signature cheesecake, and my dad decorated our living room. My mom's gift was a beautiful charm bracelet, and my dad's gift was the book 'Maybe In Another Life' by one of my favorite Authors, Taylor Jenkins Reid. Dad loved reading novels, and even attempted to write one-- I'm the only one who got to read the draft and it was amazing. If it hadn't burnt down that day... I would've at least had something to remind me of him forever.

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