Epilogue : Forward, Captain

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"Can you protect your thoughts now?" Mom asked after returning from a mission.

"Not yet," I confessed. "But I will!"

She smiled. "I know, dear. Let's go?"

The scenery suddenly shifted. I was in a room deprived of light and sound, and the only thing I could hear was my shallow breathing.

"I'm sorry for hurting you," a familiar voice said.

"Mom?" I called, unsure if that was the right thing to do. Desperate to see her, I started walking toward the direction where I heard her voice. "Mom?"

My steps got heavier as I approached her direction. It felt cold and sinister but I kept walking. I wanted to see and talk to her one last time.

"You do not belong here, dear."

"Mom? Where are you?"

"Please. Stop following me. I do not want to take you with me."


"Nel, come back."

I immediately halted when I heard another voice behind me. He kept on calling my name and the worry in his voice was enough to make me turn around.

"Dad . . ."

My eyes fluttered open. Everything was covered in white except for the pair of red eyes looking at me. He was saying something but it was inaudible. However, when I saw who it was, the memories came rushing back into my mind.

"D-Dad . . ." I weakly called as he gently held my hand.

"I'm here," he softly said. "I'm still here."

Tears silently fell from my eyes as I remembered everything that happened. I wanted to think that all of that was just a bad dream but seeing myself in this state—tubes and bandages all over my body—was a hard slap of reality.

"I-is Mom—"

"Rest first," he interjected. "Please."

He carefully wiped the tears off my face and after a few minutes, he let go of my hand. He stood up and started walking away from me. I wanted to stop him but my voice couldn't come out. My eyes were starting to get heavy again but before I drifted back to a long slumber, I heard the words I didn't know I needed to hear from his mouth.

"Thank you for waking up, Penelope. Thank you . . . for coming back to me."


It's been two weeks since the fight happened and ten days since I first woke up. I was informed that after the battle, I collapsed and they had to keep me from dying until we arrived in our main headquarters—the CIA.

The stimulant I consumed several times took a toll on my body. My organs were failing and they had to flush out the toxins that was produced upon the stimulant's reaction with the different chemicals inside me. In addition, several of my bones and muscles were torn and broken. Thankfully, no nerves were affected, but according to my doctor, I still have to undergo a rehabilitation.

The room I was using was also equipped with protective barriers from brainwave frequencies to not let anyone hear my thoughts when I couldn't control them, especially when sleeping, which was most of the time.

I could move my body now but my right shoulder and arm were still in cast. According to the doctor, I would be discharged today so I was just waiting for her.

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