Part 14

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Soon the hall was flooded with others students who were trying to get out of the school. There were so many people eventually [y/n] got stuck in the sea of people having to go with the current as they walked she walked. The small girl remained clam however until she was shoved up against a window.This caused her to see that it was the press out side. Her eyes widened in anger looking at the ignorant press who came into the school without an good reason. Closing her eyes she thought for a second, she was surrounded by teenage children who were all terrified for their lives she was stuck by a window that seemed to be bullet proof , and the amount of people was starting to get to [y/n] making her breath quicken. As one girl ran past [y/n] she accidentally smacked the small girls head against the window making blood rush down [y/n]'s forehead.

"[y/n]!" A deep voice yelled at the young girl who was now shaking. People continued to hit the young girl as they past her until it finally stopped. Hands gripped the young girl's shoulders turning her around to see purple hair. Shinsou stood holding the young girl not looking at her but instead looking for a way to get them out. "[y/n] are you okay" he said still not looking at her. Instead of speaking to him [y/n] looked at him with a happiness that she couldn't explain. "[y/n]?" he said finally looking down at her. His hand came up to her forehead and his eyes meet hers.

"Shinsou I'm fine now thank you " there was a loud yell from the beginning of the hall all of the students were. It made the two teens gaze shift to the yell. It was none other then Iida who was yelling for all of them to calm down. Once they all did calm down, everyone made their ways toward their own classrooms. Shinsou however held [y/n]'s hand and guided her towards her classroom.

"Shouldn't you go to the nurse your forehead is pretty scratched up" He said tracing his finger over the cut in front of [y/n]'s classroom.

"No I'll be o--" The young girl was cut off by a voice that sounded calm and low.

"She will be okay a little cut won't hurt this one" Todoroki said as he past the two. "[y/n] class?"

"yes I shall return in a moment" The young girl said nodding her head then turning back to the purple haired boy. Todoroki walked in the classroom leaving the two only for them to be interrupted once again by a loud explosion. [y/n] looked at Shinsou in the eyes and then at the floor before squeezing his hand. When the explosion got louder she released the purple haired boy walking back into her class so bakugo wouldn't yell at either one of them. However he glared at Shinsou when he saw the boy.

"Why were you with her again" Bakugo's voice was engulfed with it's regular anger

"Who? [y/n]? Well I was just checking to see if she was okay. She has a nasty cut on her forehead and I was worried about her." He said not really caring about Bakugo's anger.

"Well I can take care of her just fine" Bakugo said not meaning anything by it .

"Really? Where were you then when she hit her head? What is it with the boys in this class and [y/n] " Shinsou said before walking away he was mad at the boy for not helping the girl and for the other boy that had half white hair and half red hair for saying [y/n] was fine when she obviously wasn't. However he gave a shy smile to the ground walking to his classroom. He had something they didn't, her friendship. Aizawa was still out side talking to the press and the police about what seemed to have happened. The children were sitting in their classrooms because at the time it was where they all felt safe.

"[y/n] Izumi may I ask you something" Iida said waving his hand in the air walking over to the young. The girl didn't feel like talking, however she nodded her head allowing the boy to ask his question. "I only got one vote, and I think you gave me that vote" The girl nodded her head once again indicating that she had indeed voted for the boy. "Why"

Dark angles [Shinsou x reader]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora