Chapter 1

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We live in a world shrouded in lies. That little old women across the street who loves to bake you cookies? What would you do if you realized one day that she nibbles on your neck while you dream your sweet dreams?

I’m not a tick, oh no I am much worse. I’m a pureblood, a shifter whose family line has no taint of human blood in it. As it is we are so rare that my family of three are the last remaining.

You may be thinking; how is that worse than a vampire? We may not be worse, but my father Kain is so evil Lucifer thinks he’s extreme. Being the only male pureblood and almost 200 years old, he pretty much has guaranteed reign of the shifters. My mom isn't dominate enough to rule and I'm not strong enough to hold the claim even if I could take it.

Packs gain strength from theirs alpha. Alpha's gain their strength from their true alpha, aka my father. Needless to say no one wants a weak kid like me as their better.

With Kains goals as true alpha he has the support of most supernatural beings. He is hunting me because he needs my blood, my life, for some ritual in order to undo the magic that hides our existence from the humans.

We can shift right in front of them and some magic takes hold and shifts what they perceive. Every human is different, that is why some cases reported to the police have different suspects or even completely different stories.

Likely it had some form of supernatural in it that the human mind could not fathom. So their mind bends it into a more “normal” explanation, because if they see the truth it will cause them to go insane.

Things were good in the supernatural life but there are always those who want more. Before Kain became alpha he met my mother who is a pureblood wolf and wooed her with false kindness and charm. Eventually she agreed to be his mate.

She knew she needed to if she wanted to keep the purebloods alive, since there was still so few even back then. Life was great for them until she found out she was pregnant with me. Mom was ecstatic but Kain started muttering about his plan coming to fruit.

About that time he started killing off the other purebloods. When my mother confronted him he said, “They would not agree to my plan Kate. They just want to cower and stay hidden. Why should we when we are superior?”

“What are you talking about Kain?” my mother replied.

“With this child we can rule Katie Girl! Not just our race but the humans.”

My mom listened to the rest of his plan and seen how truly crazy he was. He told her how his mother had tried the ritual with him. How he thought he was the one who was fit to rule. Learning what he needed, he killed her one night when he managed to get out of the prison she kept him in.

Mom agreed to his plan telling him she always knew he would be a king one day, which was why she chose him instead of one of the others. The next night while he stalked off to kill again she fled.

She landed on Tara’s doorstep, a long ago friend that she did not think Kain would know of. Tara is a fellow shifter, a tigress. The two women started up their friendship like they haven’t spent years apart.

Sadly, it was all for show. Tara listened to her story and seemed sickened, but as soon as my mother went for a walk and Tara was alone she called Kain. Telling him she would expose where my mother was if she could have a high rank in his pack, that she would help further his dream anyway she could.

Fortunately, Mother forgot her jacket. On her way back to retrieve it, she overheard Tara talking. Scarcely catching the end of the conversation.

She didn’t dare go to any other friends, and she had no family so she roamed until she was far from him and her home. She stopped at a cabin in the mountains of Canada were she felt safe enough to give birth to me under a blue moon.

Shifting Worlds: Book 1 In The S.W.S. [COMPLETED] ✔Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ