Chapter 8

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After lunch we bye a few pies to take home. Luna sees me eyeing the book rack and ask if I want one. I know I shouldn't but I never got to finish my last book and it is nagging at me. I grab the latest copy of Unnatural Forensics and Luna laughs at my choice. I stick my tongue out at her.

Then we continue to argue about shoes. She says I need them I say I don't. We are walking to the jeep and something feels off.

Luna must sense it too because she understands why I stopped. “Just keep going. The shifter was fallowing us all day. They won’t come up to us with you still smelling like the boys. It just has them curious.”

“How can you be so calm?” I return to walking beside her. I want my powers back. Being fallowed all day and just now realizing it doesn’t make me feel any safer. "No shoes. We're heading back."

“If they were going to do something they would have already.” She grins. “Beside we need groceries and if they are locals then they won’t mess with us.”

“How do you know?” Luna opens the back door as we set the pies down.

“Don’t you think it’s strange that Connor and I are the only shifters in school?” She puts the last bag in placing her hand on her hip.

“Yeah I did wonder about that.” I comment shutting the tailgate.

“It’s because Connor told all the local shifters to keep out and leave us alone. We only had wolves in our pack any other shifter was chased out. We are supposed to have a local alpha to keep the pack safe.” She looks to me to make sure I am fallowing.

I nod. “I have a basic understanding of a pack.” Some shifters only accept like to like wanting to guarantee the offspring will carry on their animals.

“The one we had was bad.” We get into the car and she starts the engine. “Really bad.” She just sits there. After a moment Luna throws the Jeep into drive and continues. “The first time Connor shifted, 13 for wolves, he killed the alpha.”

I could only gawk. “He’s that strong?”

“Yeah but it helped the old alpha was completely insane.” She nods solemnly.

“So he is the alpha here?” I’m astonished.

“Technically yes.” She quickly explains. “But he doesn’t want anything to do with the other wolves and won’t accept the lead.”

“Why not give it to someone else? You can do that right?” I’m a little foggy on the rules.

“Yeah but then he is afraid that another one like before will pop up and he doesn’t trust any other not to abuse the power.” Luna swallows hard. “Mostly he won’t because he doesn't want anyone having influence over him. He knows this way he can keep other shifters away from me. If he gives it up then he is saying the new alpha is better than him and they might think I’m free game again.”

“Free game?” I don’t like the sound of that.

“Another day.” She makes it clear she is done talking by turning up the metal. We travel to the supermarket to get groceries along with any other things we may need for the house. After loading our two carts worth into the jeep we sit in silence with our thoughts the rest of the way back.

Hearing our arrival all three boys are already outside waiting to help take our loot in. Luna runs to Charles for a quick hug and inhales deeply. She rushes back and grabs my stuff to take up to my room.

While Luna is gone the boys quickly put everything away. They do this so quickly I hardly have time to place the bags that hold the ingredients for dinner onto the counter.

Shifting Worlds: Book 1 In The S.W.S. [COMPLETED] ✔Where stories live. Discover now