Chapter 5

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I must be dead is my first thought as I awake pain free. Sitting up I realise it was sleep that fools me into thinking this. I quickly fall back down clutching my pounding head.

Taking a few slow breaths I open my eyes to take in my surrounding. Definitely not the room I was dying in. I am still propped up on a bunch of pillow but in one of the, softest, fluffiest, pinkest beds I have ever encountered. Ruffled canopy included.

I’m nauseated looking at it. The rest of the room is more to my taste but not by much. Zebra wallpaper with a hot pink trim, matching dresser not forgotten.

What saves the room is the stack of movies and the huge entertainment center. But my favourite part has to be the hammock in the corner of the room stuffed with more pillows. Turning my head slightly I sniff the pillow that holds Luna's scent, meaning this has to be her room.

Now that I have my surroundings down I take inventory of my injuries. Everything is sore when I move, particularly my head and arm which strangely feels heavy. Raising it up to my face for a better look I can see why. A sturdy brace is strapped to it. My brows furrow I should have healed by now. I haven't been waring silver. 

I don’t have time to worry about that I need to get Mom’s neckless back. Then get my things and leave. But first I have to get out of this bed. Flinging the blanket off I hesitate as it exposes more horrors.

I am currently constricted in a hot pink zebra nightgown that is way too short for me just covering my butt. I’m starting to sense a theme.

Slipping out of bed quietly I make my way to the dresser as to not alert them to my being awake. Surely someone is here. The only thing I’m able to find that could posable fit is a purple ruffle skirt and a bright green sleep shirt with, get this; a zebra in sunglasses.

I creak over to the window and unhook the latch. Clambering over to the ground on the other side I crush some of the fallen leaves beneath. Ducking down I take in the land.

All around are trees but off to the distance is a sparkling lake with a small boat. I look up at the house not expecting it to be normal after being in such a strange room. It is not a house but a mansion. Okay maybe not mansion but it is huge! Most of it is log cabin-like but parts turn into grey stone that gives it a modern look. Yet it still belongs out here surrounded by nothing but woods.

Shit, I’m stranded and have no idea where or how to get to town. I have no shoes and no idea how far I’m gonna have to walk. Am I even in the US?

With this train of thought going it finally derails when I come upon the most important question. How am I still alive? I should have died within a day of being bitten.

Before I can truly freak the hell out I catch the scent of a shifter close by. Composing myself I take off into the woods my only option. I have more strength but something is still wrong. I still cannot shift and I’m too slow.

I do not get far before I catch a whiff of the hunter Gabriel just in time to see him coming at me from my left. I stop dead in my tracks and he is in front of me. We stare each other down yet again both turning to stone.

He glances down and a smile tugs at his lips until he cannot contain the short laughter.

“Care to share?” I bite out.

“What are you wearing?” He laughs.

I look down at the shaded zebra. “Quite you! It’s better than the ass reviling thing someone decided to put me in!” I growl as this just makes him laugh louder. 

“Yes, this sight is much better.” His laughter dies down. “You need to go back to the house. Connor and Luna have some things that must to be explained.”

Shifting Worlds: Book 1 In The S.W.S. [COMPLETED] ✔Where stories live. Discover now