Chapter 15

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Glancing back at the building I am protecting, I weigh the likely hood that this is a distraction to lead me away from Luna. What drives me is that this scent seems familiar but I cannot think of who it is. With the knowledge that Gail would protect Luna I give chase.

They have the lead on me so I don’t stop to be cautious. Swinging the door open upon reaching it gives the humans a scare. Fallowing the scent I race upstairs to an open second floor window. I’m just in time to see a red motorcycle carrying a blond female barrel across the highway.

Before returning to Luna I inhale the scent to imprint it to memory in case I run into her again and hoping it will jog my memory. Nothing. I hop out of the window as the humans begin to make their way up stairs to investigate the commotion.

Making my way back around towards the spa I see Axel standing guard in my place. I stop to smile. He has just rocketed up my list.

With the loss of his flamboyant air he stands looking capable and I admire how well he can camouflage how dangerous he truly is. I raise my head signaling for him to meet me at the main building. Still in view of the structure that holds Luna but out of hearing range.

“Thank you for taking my place. Doing that I take it you don’t know her? I need to know what you know.” I lean against the wall watching the shop for anymore oddities. “Tell me your side.”

“I came to let Gram know Connor called.” He starts as I raise a brow. “He couldn’t get a hold of Luna. He wanted to let you know the meeting was over and that he needs to talk with you both.”

I nod. Luna and I could figure that out later. “Then what?”

“When I walked out I seen you standing on alert.” Placing a hand on his chest he regains some flair. “Honestly I thought you thought I was the enemy and I was about to get pounced on by a pureblood.” He fans himself. “Then I caught the same shifter and I could breathe easy. By time I made the connection you were already flying after her.” He snaps his fingers, “I mean damn woman you are fast! Woom!”

“I didn’t see you.” I really did not remember him or I may have stayed back. He might have gained some favor but I’m still on the fence with him.

“Like I said hun I just walked out and you seemed to be too intent on your hunt to notice much else.” He thinks about it. “You may want to work on that.”

Something does not bode well but it’s just a gut feeling. I have nothing to back it up with so I keep it in the back of my mind. “Anyways thanks again for hanging back.”

“I didn’t think you would need help and she might not have been alone.” He explains.

“No you did good. I would rather have you on the defence.” He seems shocked that I complement him. Well I have been more then friendly to him.

“I think we should keep this to ourselves for now. Don’t want to worry Grams and Luna.” He tries to pass it off nonchalant but fails to keep his heart from racing. He’s worried about something.

The whole reason I wanted out of ear shot was to keep Luna from knowing what I didn’t want her to. Not until I knew what was going on but with my new mistrust I think it is best if she knows it all. Excluding my own feelings for Axel of course.

“No Gail should know she has an intruder. Maybe I’ll get lucky and she might recognise her scent.” I fake a thoughtful look playing him. “Even better if she was caught on tape.”

A slight swallow is the only indication that he is anxious. “That’s a great idea Winter. Go fill Grams in while I pull up the videos.”

It wasn’t really an order but there is no way I’m letting him get to the footage first. I lock eyes letting my dominant flow. “I am not running your errands Axle. You will follow me and tell her how you let an intruder slip past you.” He looks slightly confused. “She came from the main building Axel. I can smell her on the handle.” I nod to the door and his eyes grow big.

Shifting Worlds: Book 1 In The S.W.S. [COMPLETED] ✔Where stories live. Discover now