Chapter 17

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I track the trail that leads off the road following the river. It brings me to a fence surrounding a construction zone for a new youth center. After climbing over the fence I feel confident she is being held here but I don't want to inform the guys until I'm certain of it. If I'm wrong, then we would waste precious time.

Crouching low I make my way quickly across any patches of dirt I can find. Most of the site is rock and I have trouble navigating around and making it to the window quietly. Peeking in reveals nothing but a half finished reception area.

I slowly make my way around looking into every opening I can see into. Eager both not to get found and to find someone of my own. I wonder if this is how peeping toms feel?

Wrapping around the back of the building leads me to my goal. Hearing Luna whimpering in pain before I'm able to see her I struggle to tame my furry at the sight before me but fail wretchedly.

Ducking down before I can be found out I replay what I saw. Luna is curled on the floor wrapped in chains with a blood line dripping down her neck. That bitch bit her. But I didn't see Ann.

Quickly I type a text to Connor, Gabriel and Charles. I manage to hit send as Ann's scent appears. Bringing my arms up to block my face before the force of her kick launches me through the window behind me.

Now inside I can smell Luna's fear and blood mingles with my own as the cuts from the glass quickly heal. I stand ready for Ann as she cames slithering through the window.

"I heard there was a dance and nobody invited me. That was very rude." Feathering her hair out she asks. "Am I not the most beautiful creature you've had the honor of seeing? And I bet you were planning on ruining my work with that little knife you always kept in the car. Good thing I got rid of that dangerous thing."

I don't have time to play her stupid games. Every second Luna is in agony. With the knowledge that Ann is the one who caused it I have just enough control to shift my claws and fangs. "Sure you look great on the outside but you're gonna need a bag for that personality."

She snarls lunging at me. Stepping to the side I smack her in the back of the head as she flies past and rams into the wall with a crack. She turns and the fresh gash heals over. She leaps once again. This time I growl as I strike out racking my claws across her chest. She returns the favour as we both let out a screech.

Ann's wound is deep but already the only indication that she was wounded is the tear of her taut red dress stained slightly rosier. My own wound stops bleeding beginning to scab over.

We exchange a few more blows. Hers heal almost instantly whereas mine take slightly longer. If this keeps up I'll end up losing. I need to stake her but each time I reach for a stray piece of wood she knocks it away leaving me open for attack.

"Poor Winter." Ann croons. "Having such trouble with me. What ever will you do when Daddy shows up?"

It's the split second distraction she needs. Ann strikes at my neck attempting to lock her fangs on. Trying to avoid her I fall back with the force. With a hand full of her hair I yank keeping as much distance between her teeth and my neck as I can manage.

Not having the access needs she changes directions just missing my arm entangling her hair. I smash her jaw closed as she wraps her hands around my throat.

The only way to loosen her hold is to release my own. Meaning I will be receiving the bite. Either way I have no way out of this and she knows it. Her furious grimace turns into a murderous grin.

My lungs ache with a plea for the air it is deprived as my neck struggles in the battle to stay connected. Eventually my hold on her loosens and my vision fades in and out. I watch the stars dance in the place of Ann's face. All I can think of is if I bought enough time for one of the guys to get here to Luna.

Shifting Worlds: Book 1 In The S.W.S. [COMPLETED] ✔Where stories live. Discover now