Chapter 16

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'Luna is a masterwork' I think as I examine us in her bathroom mirror. She does know hair, particularly braids. Her natural wavy hair is now straight with a crown of braids trailing down the back. Three separate smaller braids connect to it. What really pulls it off is her use of green streaks that make her hair and dress look like it is of one piece. She is a delicate autumn pixie with her bright orange wrap-around ballerina slippers.

She gives me the same crown and three small braid wrap-around, but links the rest of my hair into one long braid that hangs off my shoulder. Turning to look I make sure the back doesn't sweep to low.

Luna comments. "What's the point of having a low dress if ya ain't gonna show it? Leave that braid up front!" She smacks my hand as I try to flick it back.

"Can I at least put it to the other side to cover my mark?" I ask eyeing the sliver poking out from behind my ear.

"No you may not. You won't pierce your ears so everyone can think your 'tat' is your accessory tonight." She claps her heels. "Now put on your heels and let's vamoose."

"By heels you mean those six-inch death traps?" I mumble as I strap the silver shoes on.

"Don't be like that, they're only five." She smiles as we walk towards the stairs.

"I still think I'm tall enough." I groan.

"That's because you've never been short." Luna winks at me as we round the stairs. "Ready!" She yells.

"Bout time." Connor says as he and Gabriel get up from the couch. Gabriel looks up first and I swear he missed a step but I'm not certain because Connor all but stumbles into the room as he does a double take.

Luna strikes three different poses in just as many seconds. "So what do you think boys?"

I feel my cheeks warm as they stand in dumbfounded silence. Taking the opportunity I give them a once over; repeatedly. Connor looks dashing in his black tux pants and red shirt. He forgoes the jacket and leaves the tie undone giving him a don't care air that suites him.

Gabriel's messy hair is just as ruffled as any other day. The only thing to show he is dressed up is the black suit he wears. The jacket is open and his tie is done up but loosely worn.

They both appear so handsome I have a hard choice on who to rest my eyes on. I suppose I should rest them on my date. Neither of the boys share my issue. Connor is scanning me up and down, imprinting my appearance in his head. Gabriel just stands silently giving me the once over then looking into my eyes lost in thought.

Just as it is turning awkward Gabriel regains his composer. "Lovely." He smiles warmly turning to Luna. "You have captured the souls of the autumn and winter queens."

"Great! That's what I was going for." Luna smiles triumphantly.

"Leave it to Luna to be going to a winter dance as the autumn queen." We smile at each other.

"Maybe we should stay in. One sight of you Winny and we may lose you to talent scouts for good." Connor meets me at the bottom of the stairs now that his eyes have stopped traveling.

"If that's the type of talent they're interested in they can keep searching." I laugh when I notice I am slightly taller than him with these death traps on.

"I agree with Connor." Charles walks in giving me a glance but then he only has eyes for Luna. "You're too cute." She lights up as if cute is a greater complement then queen.

Luna laughs. "It's fine Mo' Charlie. Nobody is going to steal me away." She beams touching his arm.

"Hmm." Is his only response but for some reason Luna giggles. Honestly it's like they have their own language sometimes.

Shifting Worlds: Book 1 In The S.W.S. [COMPLETED] ✔Where stories live. Discover now