Chapter 11

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“What happened?” Connor and Gabriel both demand barrelling from the house. Connor rushes over to check Luna over. She must have gotten blood on her when she was clinging to Charles in the back seat. Gabriel stops right in front of me looking me over for any wounds. Seeing none he looks to Charles and Luna also finding none.

“Is this where I say it's not mine or you should see the other guy?” I reassure them.

“That’s a lot of blood. Did you kill him?” Gabriel questions.

“No, Luna didn’t want us to.” I tell them what happened.

When I finish Connor jumps Charles who just stands their letting him. “You were supposed to watch them and you let some flea bag claim her?”

I get in his face pointing my finger in his chest. “You can’t stop someone from claiming, you know that! He ripped him off as soon as he could. He helped Luna stay in control and took care of her like I told him to. He did his part.”

“You can’t expect a submissive to go against a dominant, which you seem to have forgotten she is.” Gabriel interjects defending his friend. “She can’t be told what to do. You were the one to decide it was okay to send two subs with her and yet you think she would not put herself in danger for them? It’s what her instincts tell her to do you numb skull.” He takes a deep calming breath regaining his composure. “It worked out fine. They weren’t hurt and if nothing else the locals will know she’s not one to be toyed with.”

“She could have been killed.” Connor's jaw makes an audible snap.

“They took care of business that you have been neglecting. She reminded them who is on top.” With that he leaves giving me one last look over.

Connor growls at Gabriel who ignores him as he journeys to the house. Connor glares at me and I glare right back crossing my arms. Slowly his glare softens and he seems to calm down.

“Sorry Charles. You did bring them back unharmed and there is only so much you can do when Winny is on the loose.” He smiles at me but it dies. “And I’m sorry you were in danger. Gabriel’s right. I should have fixed all of this a long time ago. Instead I let it sit not thinking they would eventually do their own thing without guidance.”

“I don’t know everything but you were thirteen. How where you suppose to know what to do with a pack of wolves?” I ask him placing my hand on his arm.

Connor reaches up grabbing my hand. “I can only use that excuse for so long. Truth is I’m not sure if I could have stopped myself from killing them for what they did to her.” He looks to Luna. “Whether you begged for them or not, if I would have seen any of them I would have killed them.”

“I know.” Luna murmurs arms wrapping around Charles again.

I could imagine how he felt. I don’t know what happened but I still wanted to kill that one.

“I suppose I need to get with it. It’s time to do my job and take care of my pack.” He frowns with distaste. “I’m gonna have to remind them who is alpha and who is mine.” He tightens his hold on my hand slightly. “Thank you. For protecting Luna. From what I just heard you were amazing.” He kisses my hand placing it on his cheek to inhale my scent.

“I would never let someone hurt someone who is mine.” I let it slip again.

“I’m glad to hear you consider her yours to protect.” He smiles as I take my hand back. “Is anyone else included in that list or is she special?”

I look at each of them. “I haven’t been here long but all of you are mine, even Gabriel. You all mean a great deal to me and I won’t sit by when something is threatening any of you.”

Shifting Worlds: Book 1 In The S.W.S. [COMPLETED] ✔Where stories live. Discover now