Chapter 7

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I awake on the floor. Vaguely remembering crawling down here when I kept tossing in the bed. Untangling myself from the comforter I walk to the dresser to examine my things.

I find my dagger and IDs in the top drawer. Sighing in relief I set my neckless beside Mom’s ID taking the blade out. Grabbing my clothing bag off the top of the dresser I become dismayed at seeing how much blood is casing it. Must have happened at the motel because it is my blood I smell.

With a sigh I sit on the floor with the blade off to the side. Rummaging through my bag reveals the only content left unnoticeably unstained is a pair of dark pants. I do not care to sit in a strange house half naked so I seize them to put on.

Interrupted the door burst open causing me to jump to my feet dagger in hand. At the entrance is Connor trying to keep hold of Luna. The look of shock on all of our faces.

He lets go of Luna and his eyes darken. He clears his throat. “I told her you needed more rest but she insisted on shopping as soon as possible.” He rebukes. “But seeing how you’re fast enough to go for your knife it should be fine.” He smiles. “Even if you didn’t get it out of the sheath.”

I look at it. Damn. The sheath is still dangling halfway on.

“Not bad for one arm.” Luna commends. “But you don’t need that here, what you need are clothes!”

Connor laughs as I remember I had not had time to put my pants on. I stood in Luna’s borrowed shirt and my own underwear.

My face turns fire rocket red as I dive for my pants. Luna shooing Connor out who just thinks this whole escapade is hysterical. “Go toast us some waffles!” She smiles at me. “Even he can do that.”

“Right.” Connor snickers as he leaves.

Luna looks at my scattered clothes covered in blood. Puckering her lips and says, “Back in a jiff.” And true to her word she is back in half a minute and with an armful of clothes.

She lays them out as I tell her. “I don’t think any of your things will fit. If I can just use this zebra one until I can wash my own that’d be great.”

Her eyes widen truly shaken. “Do you have any attachment to your clothes?”

“Not really, no.” I raise my brow not knowing what that has to do with anything.

And just like that she throws them out the third story window. “I’ll burn them later.” She smiles. “You scared me. I almost needed a new excuse to take you shopping.” She gives a huge full teeth grin. “And you can’t wear the same shirt two days in a row. You’re lucky Connor talked me outta trying to make you change for bed!” 

We both knew she could not force me to do anything I don’t want to. She is just a submissive playing dominate. You can’t change who you are. But I play along with her.

It’s what dominates do, we normally want to make them happy. My case is worse I want to make everyone happy. Now that there are only two pruebloods only Kain is more dominate the me.

Even if I'm not in charge my nature says I am and need to take care of the lesser dominates. Luckily it's easier to ignore that response within me when it comes to other dominates.

Looking around I find the biggest shirt she has. A red shirt with a cat on it that reads 'Meow or Never'. Slipping it on it’s still too tight and keeps riding up my midsection reviling a little too much for my comfort.

“That shirt is huge on me.” Luna pauses. “Must be all that extra boobige.”

I flush. “Probably.”

Shifting Worlds: Book 1 In The S.W.S. [COMPLETED] ✔Where stories live. Discover now