Chapter 12

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The next morning I awake early. I lay on my back looking at the ceiling. I need to get up and start the day but I have a small issue. Both Connor and Gabriel have their arm slung over my waist in a deep sleep. I peek my head up seeing Charles is on his stomach with Luna curled up on top of his back like a cat.

Laying my head back down I try to think of how to shimmy out of here without disturbing anyone. I give up and turn my head right to Connor. He looks plenty cute with his hair covering his soft face. I watch him as he snores lightly. In sleep he loses that hard confident facade. I can see him as the sweet protector he is.

I smile softly as I turn to look at Gabriel. My heart sputters as I stare into startling blue eyes. He smiles slightly and his eyes gleam with mischief at hearing my heart skip.

His usually messy hair is in even more disarray. Less spiked and more ruffled. He slightly nods his head upward. I understand what he is asking. If I am getting up.

I nod yes and he removes his arm sitting up. I'm still not sure how to move Connor without waking him. Gabriel doesn't seem to share my concerns. He lifts Connor's arm right up off me. Holding my breath like that would freeze time I quickly slide out as Gabriel sets Connors arm back down.

Not wanting to wake them I skip changing but grabbing a hair tie off the dresser. Tiptoeing to the door Gabriel holds open he rolled his eyes at my exaggerated caution.

Once outside I tie my hair into a messy bun whispering softly. "Bacon sound good?" I ask smiling like we just completed a difficult mission of some sort.

He starts walking away. "I'll cook today you can get the coffee on."

"But it's my job." I walk after him.

He laughs slightly. "Then consider this your day off. You do know we won't perish if you fail to sweep the floor every day?"

We are walking into the kitchen. "Huh and here I was going on the assumption you all were deathly allergic to dust bunny's."

Laughing he responds. "No, but women who battle strange wolves have been known to endanger our health."

"So she should stick to battling the ones she knows. Got it." I retort as I grind the coffee beans. His smile widens and it finally reaches his eyes erasing the shadow and somehow making the blue brighter. "You should wear that more often. It looks good on you." I don't mean to say that. Traitor mouth remember?

The bacon pops splattering grease on his arm as I say this. "I didn't realise bacon was in this season." Gabriel snorts.

In for a penny. "No, that smile. You should show it more."

He seems to think it over deciding on what to say. "Only a select few are worth sharing it with."

"Well, I'm glad I'm one of them." Flipping the power switch. I go about slicing some fruit as he fries the bacon.

Neither one of us talk anymore but it isn't an uncomfortable silence. When I am done with the fruit I hear them stirring around upstairs. Sitting down Gabriel wears a small smile again as he brings the food to the table.

"What?" I ask him.

"You know how some people snore? I was just thinking about how you purr when you sleep." His smile grows as he answers taking a seat across from me.

I start blushing from embarrassment. "Only when I'm happy, not all the time!"

"Then I hope you're always happy." He smirks cocking his head slightly. "It was rather cute."

I blush even more. Did he just say that? Did he switch bodies with Connor? I'm surprised enough I can't think of a response.

"What did you do to get my girl blushing like that?" Connor asks walking in and wrapping his arm around my waist kissing the top of my head. I am too embarrassed to correct him.

Shifting Worlds: Book 1 In The S.W.S. [COMPLETED] ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora