Chapter 4

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“Ann? Why are you at my school?” My heart slows with recognising it's just Ann.

Crossing her arms she leans a round hip on the corner of the desk nearest her. Everything about her seems wrong. She is still wearing her signature skin tight mini dress that is always two sizes too small. But her normal ‘I’m better then you’ sneer holds more malice. As if she can prove it too. Maybe it’s the lack of gum smacking that makes her seem more capable.

“What’s wrong Winter? You don’t look happy to see me.” She looks genuinely hurt as her face drops hand clutching her chest. Ann gets up gliding over my way. “After I came all the way over here to thank you for getting me fired.”

“You got yourself fired for your stealing. I’m not going to take the fall for you.” My face scrunches. “We’re not that close.”

She is only a few feet away now. “Do you know why I won’t work nights?”

“Because beauty sleep is required to repair all the damage that makeup does to your face?” Of course that isn’t true, she’s gorgeous and we both know it. Still it bothers Anna if someone implies she is anything but.

“I’ll let that slide on the fact you don’t know what you just stepped into.” She smiles flashing fang. “The reason is I get hungry.”

‘Stupid’ is all I have time to think before she is on me. I reach down for my pencil. Ann grips my forearm twisting it behind my back giving a little squeeze until I drop it. With my right arm secured she does the same with the other. Damn what I wouldn’t give for my blade. Not that it would do any good with trapped arms.

“You took away my supply. I was stealing a lot more then what Greg thought.” She laughs wildly. “You’re gonna be my new little slave gi-” I slam my head back into her nose. Her grip weakens but only enough for me to get one arm free.

I scratch at my neckless with my freed arm. It ends up being propelled across the room as Ann whips me around roaring. “You little bitch!”

“Wrong breed.” I whisper waiting for some of the strength from the pool of power that should have been unleashed. Something is wrong. I should have felt more than this small buzz.

Ann releases my other arm to reset her nose. I take my chance to run but only make it to the door before she slams my head into the wooden frame. With stars clouding my vision I lose where I am for a moment. I must have enough power because that should have killed me. For wanting to keep me as a blood slave she isn't very good at keeping them alive.

Ann quickly has me yet again with my arm behind my back, but this time she uses her other hand to grip me by my hair so I cannot try the same thing twice. Little does she know that the splitting headache is more than enough reason not to.

She wipes the blood off on to the back of her hand without removing her death grip hold.

“You like braking shit?” I let out a shameful scream when a sharp twist of her wrist snapped both bones in my arm. “Me too.” Another scream escapes as she drags me backwards by my broken arm.

The blood from my head wound has slowed slightly and my vision clears I can clearly smell she is a vampire now. Just as She can clearly smell I am a shifter. Her nostrils flare as she inhales the slow stream of blood. 

“I see.” She looks at the neckless dangling from the chair that it was thrown to. “I was going to keep you, but I guess it’s a one-time only meal.”

She wrenches my neck to give her better access sinking her fangs in. I shriek as fire spreads throughout my veins. This fire diminishes my broken arm.

Shifting Worlds: Book 1 In The S.W.S. [COMPLETED] ✔Where stories live. Discover now