Chapter 10

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It’s been two months since I have lived with them. Every day as fun as the last. I know I should feel guilty for having the time of my life with so much at stake but I can’t seem to find that feeling at the moment.

Gabriel is still his stoic self mostly spending his days in his room or in the city. He has yet to return to the roof. Connor on the other hand is hardly away from me. Luna and him even reassigned to all of my classes.

Connor was the one who suggested Charles take us to town but has yet to let Charles be our escort. Always insisting that he had nothing better to do and would go himself. I think he’s too worried about the other shifter stealing us away.

Whenever we catch a scent, Connor would place a hand on the side of my hip pulling me closer to him. I would roll my eyes at him but let him be. I don’t want any strange shifters attempting to claim me either. I’m still not sure about Connor yet but it doesn’t feel too bad having his arm around me. Not that I would tell him so he has enough confidence for the both of us.

As for me, I have only managed to gain about half my strength back. I have tried many times but I’m still unable to shift just yet.

Still I’m not tired all the time, which is great seeing as I spend most nights outside revelling in the peace of the night sky. With the beginning of winter here it is a little chilly but I can handle that now that I’m stronger.

“I have it all worked out! After school Mo’ Charlie is going to pick us up.” Luna announces at lunch. Turning to Connor. “So you can go home after class.”

“Um, Luna you’re leaving out the important stuff again.” I remind her.

“Like what?” She asks cocking her head sideways.

“Like why does he need to pick us up when Connor is here?” I take a bite of my chicken patty.

“Because Connor is going home and we’re not silly.” She laughs at my foolishness.

“And why would I go home without you two? Where are you going?” Connor interjects trying to keep patient.

“We are going shopping and you're not allowed to see the dress until the day of, duh.” She rolls her eyes like her responses are completely understandable.

“We’re going dress shopping? For what?” I ask. Getting an answer out of her is like pulling teeth.

“The dance Winny. The one next Friday?” She points at a poster on the wall announcing the Winter Formal.

How I missed it I do not know but what I do know? “I’m not going.”

“Why must I talk you into everything?” Luna wines placing her head on the table.

“I have no reason to go.” I tell her.

She peeks an eye at me. “Ever been to one?” She asks dryly. I shake my head no. She springs back up clapping her hands together. “Great then you can go to this one. You know I won’t stop until you say yes, it will be fun.”

I sigh she’s right, she wouldn’t give up. “Fine, but only if we stay no more than an hour.”

Luna nods. “We’ll see how it goes.”

“About my not coming, if I taking Winny to the dance wont I need a suit?” Connor ask as confident as ever.

I am about to set him right when Luna interjects. “Who say you’re taking her?”

“You did.” His confusion quickly clears. “And she’s going to be mine. Why would I let anyone else have the honor?”

“I said you can’t see her until the day of. She is gonna look so bombin’ that you won’t get any sleep if you see her before then. No, we are going as a group.” Connor is about to protest but she throws a pea at him and continues. “Mo’ Charlie can’t take me and I can’t go alone. So unless you find me another date that you can in trust me with?”

Shifting Worlds: Book 1 In The S.W.S. [COMPLETED] ✔Where stories live. Discover now