Your Arse

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"This good?" John asks from above.

"Nope," I say, popping the p, and leaning against the wall, not looking up from Johns arse. I don't know how long I'd been making him fix things for but I'm running out of things for him to fix, but hell, am I enjoying the view. John turns around suddenly and I move my gaze to his eyes, playing it off cooly. He steps down from the ladder.

"Sherlock, how much more are you going to make me fix? It's Saturday and I just wanted to relax," John looked worn, and damn, it made him look even better. He had a dark button up shirt on, his jumper removed earlier from the heat, his hair was tousled and lacking its wave.

"Oh, just one more thing, possibly," John rolls his eyes and then motions for me to show him what it was, I turn around and walk over to the door, slowly shutting it. It made a squeaking noise and I opened it back up, "If you don't mind I would like to have a silent door," I was getting desperate and this was basically the last thing I could think of for him to fix, which was very disappointing.

John sighed then nodded and exited the room, returning a minute later with some oil, "Alright, I'll fix the damn door, but after this I'm going to be sitting on my arse the rest of the day, got it?" what a funny choice of words.

"Yes, of course," I reply and watch him turn around, really admiring his arse this time, seen as it'll be the last time I'll get to look at it. It was perfectly round and looked so soft and plush, I just wish I could grab it an--

"Sherlock? What are you looking at?" I look up and see John looking over his shoulder at me, well, we've been made. I contemplated my next move, finally it hit me and I smirked, walking next to him.

"Isn't it obvious?" I leaned in close, "your arse," I whispered in his ear, my grin widening, and reached behind him to give it a little spank and short squeeze with one hand, I then turned back around, leaving a very startled and flushed John behind, not letting him respond, I shut the door to my room, and smiled. 

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