A Girlfriend?

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*Dinah's POV*

"Dinah Jane, I know you did not just ignore me," Normani yelled from across the room, glaring at the back of Dinah's head.

"Relax, Mani," Dinah sighed, running her hands through her hair for the third time today, "I was talking to someone,"

Every time someone tried to talk to her that day, she blew them off and went back to her phone like they hadn't said anything at all. In fact, that's how it had been for the past couple of days.

Everyone thought Dinah was this happy go lucky person and they were right, but up until recently, she felt like she was missing something. She felt bad for wanting more, actually, she felt horrible. She had everything, what more could she want?

"I'm sorry, Mani. I just," Dinah paused and thought about her words, "I just haven't been feeling normal lately,"

Picking her self up from the red couch, she smoothed out the wrinkles from her tank top and walked over to Normani.

Just as Dinah's feelings weren't normal, her friendship with the girls wasn't either. They were all fighting at the moment, worse than any other fight they'd ever been in before.

"What's wrong?" Normani asked, worry laced in her voice. None of the girls have seen Dinah like this before, and although they were mad at her, they were also very concerned.

"I don't know," Dinah started, sitting across from Mani, "I just feel like I have no one. Well, I have you and the girls, but there's no one I can just have to myself,"

With that, Normani burst out laughing.

"Girl, I thought you was dying or some shit!" Normani screamed, tears forming in her eyes as she held her stomach.

Dinah scoffed, glaring at her band mate, "I wouldn't of told you if I thought you were going to laugh at me,"

After Normani's laughter died down, she grabbed Dinah's hand and looked at her seriously.

"Honey, this is normal. We all thought you were going to quit the band or something," Mani said, calmed down now, "You just need a girlfriend or something,"

"A Girlfriend?"


Hey guys, I decided to put this one in Dinah's POV because I thought it might be nice to switch it up a little bit. I don't know what I'm doing for the next chapter, but it's going to be normal format for a couple of chapters after this one. I wanted to add variety to it so it's not just text conversations. I might be adding a groupchat bit in here soon :)

I love you all.

Missing Something (Dinah/You)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ